I've just received a 2 disc set (Marlene Dietrich: The Glamour Collection). The set is supposed to consist of a double-sided disc 1 and a single-sided disc 2 (see here).
It appeared to me that disc 2 was a double-sided disc so I flipped it over and attempted to play it. It wouldn't play so I put it into my computer to see what it was. Here is what I found:
1. The disc has no label and is 4.01GB in size.
2. It contains 5 files all of them are the same size (842,461KB) the only difference being the creation and modified time.
3. The files all have the same name except for the file extension. The name is RANDUM.000 through RANDUM.004.
I realize that the extension could be one of a number of things, a DoubleSpace Compressed File, for example, but I am wondering why the heck they are on the disc when there shouldn't be anything there.
Does anyone have any thoughts about this?
If LUK says it is OK I will gladly upload one of the files but I am hesitant to do this because I'm not sure of what it is, plus the size of it. In addition to those concerns there is also the concern that it is coming from a commerical disc.