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Movie Junkie

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Everything posted by Movie Junkie

  1. I need some help regarding a DVD-RW disc. To give some background...I copy my daily backups to this disc. Each backup goes to a folder named with the date (ex. 03.01.2006). Each folder contains about 290 MB of files. Every 10 days I use Dec to make an .ISO file and then write that file to a DVD-R disc (I do it that way so the original file dates are preserved. I then format the RW disc (full, not quick) and start again. Yesterday I got an error when Dec first accessed the disc. I checked the disc with DVDInfo Pro and found that the 3rd or 4th block was not readable. I still used Dec to make my .ISO I had it ignore 7 errors (all consectutive) right near the beginning of the read. I then copied all ten folders from the RW that has the error to my hard drive. I encountered no errors while copying those folders and their contents. My question is, can I assume that since no errors were encountered in the folder/file copy that the error on the disc was on a block that didn't have any information? If so then I believe that the .ISO file should contain valid information. Is that also correct.
  2. Sony to bow Blu-ray titles May 23 Launch follows rival HD DVD by two months By Paul Sweeting 2/27/2006 FEB. 27 | The Blu-ray Disc format will make its formal U.S. debut on May 23, just under two months after the launch of its rival high-definition platform, HD DVD. The late-May launch will include eight titles from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and four from Lionsgate, the two studios said Monday. Sony will release seven more catalog titles June 13, while Lionsgate will chip in another six. Among the first wave of releases from Sony, are 50 First Dates, House of Flying Daggers and MGM's The Last Waltz. Lionsgate titles include Crash, Saw and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The Lionsgate titles will retail for $30 to $40 each. Sony doesn?t include suggested retail prices with its releases, but catalog titles from the studio are expected to retail for about $25, while new releases will go for about $30. The first Blu-ray new release is expected to be Sony?s Underworld Evolution, which will bow on DVD and Blu-ray in early summer. The first wave of HD DVD titles will bow March 28 from Warner Home Video. The Sony and Lionsgate releases are timed to accompany the arrival of Blu-ray players on the market from Samsung Electronics and Pioneer. ?We?re primed to ensure that a variety of Blu-ray Disc content is available at retail to support the introduction of the first BD player,? SPHE president Ben Feingold said. ?Sony Pictures further intends to provide additional titles to coincide with the launch of BD products from other manufacturers.? The timing of those other products remains unclear, however. According to Monday?s announcement, the Samsung and Pioneer players ?will be followed shortly? by players from Sony, among others. If so, that would appear to represent a shift in Sony?s Blu-ray strategy, which was previously tied to the launch of the PlayStation 3 videogame platform. Originally, Sony was to release its first Blu-ray titles in conjunction with the PS3 launch and did not plan to release a stand-alone Blu-ray player until after the PS3 got rolling. With speculation mounting that the PS3 could be delayed, however, perhaps until next year, Sony?s plans might be evolving. Sony Pictures officials referred questions about the hardware launch to Sony Electronics. Sony Electronics officials were not immediately available for comment. ?I?m just glad we?re finally getting this thing launched,? Lionsgate president Steve Beeks said. ?The sooner we get to one format, the better for everyone, and we think Blu-ray is clearly the format of choice. But with the other side [HD DVD] getting out first, it was important not to let them have too much of a head start.? Other Blu-ray studios, including stalwarts 20th Century Fox and Disney, sat out Monday?s announcement.
  3. Ouch! It gives new meaning to being Thorny. Thorry I Lispth. :
  4. Most of it is actually a very old-fashioned Amish place.
  5. LUK; Let's say one of the programs had a few additional things you could do via checking boxes. Now these items show up in the registry with the appropiate 1 or 0. If the program that didn't have the additional check boxes seen this information in the registry would that cause a problem or would the additional regestry keys be ignored? Would it give that version the ability to do those things as well or would that information have to be coded into that version before it would take advantage of the additional keys?
  6. Thanks for the answer Shamus. I was really just curious. I am running 2 copies of a password program. One copy I modified to open a different password file. I've never had a problem but, as I said, I was curious.
  7. You won't be sorry you made the change. Verbatim's are definitly the way to go for DL discs. TY and Verbatim should be your only choices for DVD5's
  8. ImgBurn can only be used to wite an .ISO file to a disc. Again sorry for what will seem very obvious to you... but what is an .ISO file? And if ImbBurn can only write those, do you use Nero for other jobs? An .ISO file is a CD or DVD image. It contains everything that is on the CD or DVD. There are programs that can read the entire disc and make the .ISO file. That file then can be read and burned onto another CD or DVD.
  9. That brings up a question I've wondered about. Would there be a problem having two versions of "the program" on the computer (each in it's own folder) at the same time but not running at the same time. I'm not saying I'm going to do this but I am curious if it would cause any conflict.
  10. How is it possible, then, that some commerical (pressed) DVD's have volume names with, not only, upper and lower case letters but spaces as well (ex. My Disc instead of MY_DISC)?
  11. An elementary school class started a class project to make planters to take home to their parents. They wanted to have a plant in it that was easy to take care of, so they decided to use cactus plants. The students were given green-ware pottery planters in the shape of clowns which they painted with glaze. The clown planters were professionally fired at a class outing so they could see the process. It was great fun! They planted cactus seeds in the finished planters and they grew nicely, but unfortunately, the children were not allowed to take them home. The cactus plants were removed and small ivy replaced them and the children were then allowed to take them home instead. The teacher said cactus seemed like a good idea at the time! Scroll down to see what the cactus looked like.
  12. And how do I disable this crap? I Think I've found it out. It was embarrassingly easy Nothing to be embarrassed about. We've all been there at one time or another.
  13. I've followed this thread since you started it kc and it seems to me that you took an attitude after you didn't get the answer(s) you thought you should. You appeared to be combative almost every step of the way. Most of the members here, myself included, will go out of their way to help someone but not when the person who needs the help has your attitude. None of us get a damn thing except the satisfaction that comes when we are able to solve a problem. I can't speak for the others but I wouldn't lift a finger to help you now. In fact I don't believe you ever had a problem. I think you came here to cause problems. If I'm mistaken I am sorry, but that's how it seems to me.
  14. Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated into the Collective.
  15. Ann-Margrock and Rock Quary I think was his name. There was also my favorite, Stoney Curtis! Back when Ann-Margret, etc. played themselves. Yeah, Stoney Curtis was another one. I don't remember anymore of them so if you do, please post them.
  16. Depending on how old you DVD player is, it may not be able to read RW media or even R media. One of my combo (LD, DVD, CD) players was made before writable media was available to us. Even though it can playback + and - R it can't playback RW discs.
  17. ImgBurn can only be used to wite an .ISO file to a disc.
  18. You are so right. It IS Vietnam all over again except that this time the enemy has the ability to come to America to harm us. The funny thing was that, in the beginning, I felt that we were right to be there. The longer it went on and the more of our troops dying and the more it appeared that the powers that be really weren't trying to win completely changed my opinion. I remember taking my son to Washington, DC a number of years ago and starting to read the names, of those killed, on the Vietnam Monument. Even though I didn't personally know anyone who died in that war my eyes welled up with tears...and now the damn thing is happening again. DAMN YOU BUSH!
  19. Some other small towns in Lancaster, PA are (and I'm not making them up) Blue Ball, Fertility, Gap, Smoketown, and even Kissell Hill.
  20. In the Lancaster, PA area they have a town named Intercourse and another town named Bird in Hand.
  21. I found the question she asked to be very relevent; ""Why are they going after an old lady living in the ghetto?" McBride told the Daily News yesterday from her East New York home." The answer to that is simple. They dont' have the BALLS to go after anyone that they think has the means to fight back! A couple of interesting links are; Boycott MPAA Boycott RIAA
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