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Everything posted by digidragon

  1. Just to keep y'all updated... the new series will now start on Saturday 31st March. The series had originally been planned to launch on 24 March, but the schedule was changed earlier this week when it was decided that BBC One would be screening England's European Championship match against Israel on that Saturday.
  2. Check if anything else is using the drive, like Nero InCD, or other on-the-fly burning utilities. Also see the FAQ: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=975
  3. Yes, you will find some freeware to do what you want. This, and the previous forum, is (was) excellent. There is seldom a post that goes without an answer. And the Beta guys here are very helpful and very knowledgable.
  4. You're right about the discs. Although RICOHJPN are normally pretty good for single layer discs, most people here will tell you that the only reliable DVD+DL discs are Verbatims (MKM-001-00). MKM = Mitsubishi Kagaku Media
  5. Valentine's gift
  6. 24th March is the current favourite.
  7. Welcome to the forum. It's a good idea to post the ImgBurn log when you're having problems. Do another burn with the same DVD+RW/DVD-RW that you used last time, and copy and paste the log into your post.
  8. The pythоn sat on the mat! Works for me... Actually, the o is a Russian o - the word python spelt normally (without any formatting) gives me the error too. It seems like it's a security precaution as apache webservers can work with the Python programming language.
  9. Hopefully, Jade's career (if you can call flashing your kebab, being thick and mouthy a career) will come crashing down. It's?quite?worrying?that?people?like?her,?without?any?talent?whatsoever,?can?be ome?so?well-known.?Also,?like?Jack,?I'd?like?to?see?all?this?crap,?and?other?reality?TV?shows like it,?die?a?very?quick?death,?and?be replaced?by?some?proper?TV?programmes.
  10. I agree about the Verbatims. My burner is very reliable, and my standalone is very unfussy about playing most discs. But out of all the DLs I've tried, the only ones which worked?properly were the Verbatims. That probably explains why there's such a shortage of them in the UK! So, until Ritek or Ricoh get their acts together and produce some reliable DLs, Verbatims are the only way to go at the moment.
  11. A couple of problems with Pain Man's suggestion, though... Meritline only accept Wire Transfer for non-Canadian, international orders, although more payment methods will be available "soon". And all Wire Transfers will incur a handling fee ranging from $20.00 to $30.00. Supermediastore.com does not ship internationally. At this time they only ship within the United States and Puerto Rico. Seems like lfc's ebay contact, or svp in the UK, are the best way for verb DLs at the moment, sadly...
  12. Just to let you know that if you don't do ebay, then SVP now have them in stock at ?17.81 for a spindle of 10.
  13. Unlike most of the DVDs you try to import... ? Thanks for the post, though. I too have been waiting for SVP to get some more in, so I'll check out that ebay shop.
  14. Sorry, db. Don't know. That site's hosted in the UK. Maybe your ISP is having trouble with its pipe to the UK. Can you access any other UK sites? I mean small ones, not bbc.co.uk which have mirrors everywhere... EDIT: like http://www.nebula-electronics.com/ for example.
  15. The http://www.bigfinish.com/ site is fine for me here, db.
  16. The Sarah Jane thing was on new year's day. I don't know when it's being repeated, but I've got a copy if you need it.
  17. Well I was well impressed with the Torchwood season finale! Looking forward to season 2 now!! And I really enjoyed the pilot of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Even though it was made for kids, and even though we only briefly saw K9, as he was otherwise engaged stopping a black hole created by Swiss scientists from sucking in the Earth!!! I'll be totally Who-less for a while now, but at least BSG season 3.5 starts in a couple of weeks...
  18. Thanks kev. I've been around, just been a bit quiet lately. Anyway, it looks like the diners survived my cooking. The only after effect is the stuffing repeating a bit, due to a bit too much garlic!!!
  19. Thanks guys. The same to you. I've been roped in to cooking dinner this year, so here's hoping I don't give everyone food poisoning!!! ?
  20. Torchwood's been pretty mixed. There have been some really good episodes, and some really bad ones. But hopefully they've found their feet now, and series 2, which starts filming next spring, should hopefully be more consistent.
  21. Well it looks like you Yanks will be getting series three even earlier next year - in "the summer" according to the scifi website. So that means you'll get it while we're still watching it, or will have just finished watching it. Plus, in two days' time the second Who christmas special,?The?Runaway?Bride, airs here on BBC one. Also, in the morning they're showing the Doctor Who concert that I went to last month. In addition, The Sarah Jane?Smith Adventures begins on 1st January, and on the same day the Torchwood finale airs, when the rift opens and (maybe) opens the way for the Daleks and Cybermen to return to Earth. Then just a few months to wait for season three to begin...
  22. I liked the first one, the cyberfemale one, and the evil fairies one. I haven't been impressed with the rest.
  23. I went to the Doctor Who charity concert last night. The BBC Wales Orchestra were excellent. There was a short Q&A session with David Tennent, Russell T Davies, and Murray Gold (the composer). Nothing too interesting really, but it was cut short by a Dalek voice booming out of nowhere saying "Attention! This building is now under Dalek control!" A full-size Dalek then appeared on stage and moved about while the orchestra played music from the series. The was a huge screen above the stage, which was mostly showing clips from the last two series. But we were shown a clip from the upcoming christmas episode. It was a motorway chase scene involving a taxi (with the bride in) and the TARDIS dodging other cars, flying over them, trying to rescue the bride from the taxi. It was very impressive, and looked really well done.
  24. If I'm correct, the next episode to air is The Impossible Planet, the first of a two-parter. I don't think db has seem these, and the two together make a very good story. Genuinely creepy in parts, with a great CGI monster. Enjoy this one, and the second part, The Satan Pit, as after those comes Love & Monsters...
  25. You think too much, db! BTW, I'm sure you'll see it soon...
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