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Everything posted by spinningwheel

  1. Not a problem old friend, it was fine and my liver is as good as always
  2. So then the ImgBurn main window is not the active one and it's hiding/partially hiding/overlaying the operation completed window?
  3. Memorex is undoubtedly a huge part of your original problem... We recommend TY and Verbs because they have the best reputation and, as far as our tests go, produce the best result for your money. It does the consumer no good to buy cheaper media and then wind up with a high failure rate. If you do the math, the wasted cost of the media, your time and your frustration work out to be a hell of a lot more, per disc, than buying the recommended media and eliminating the major problem faced by members...crap media.
  4. FFS then why bother
  5. And some times you just have to drown the bitch.
  6. (Bump)
  7. And that goes to the point of the issue with media. Due to the extensive testing done here and at many other sites devoted to burning/media/quality we can correctly say that Memorex, along with several other brands, are crap. You were lucky wnough to get 10/10 this time, look aroung the forum and add up the hundreds of posts where users settled for 4-5/10 w/the same media. We recommend Verbs and TY's for a reason, they make their own product and use their own proprietary dye, unlikr Memorex who have someone else make them and then put their name on them.
  8. Do you have a dvd burner? The first one is a cd writer and aren't the second virtual dtives?
  9. LordWarlock and danei...Why not start a thread in the 'ImgBurn Suggestion" area about this rather than get into a prolonged discussion under this topic?
  10. Got it Volvo...thanks again all...
  11. Correct me if I am wrong is this ImgBurn forum or not Yes it is, but what you want to do is obviously out of spec and we don't solve problems like that. If your problem had been with the end result of an ImgBurn process, we could help you figure it out, however the fact that the first part plays correctly would tend to have one believe that the program did its' job. It is just down to the fact that you want to do something that the player cannot handle that takes it out of our ballpark and puts you looking somewhere on Google to get it figured out.
  12. Well...you can hang them in the garden to scare birds away...use them for target practice...coasters...driveway markers...hell, there's a lot of things you can do with them...
  13. Gee, there's just NEVER ENOUGH of these posts is there blu?
  14. Blu...there's a changelog????
  15. You just might want to update your version also....
  16. Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes, I can't believe I made it this long either.....lmao
  17. Fastrat; Please start your own thread and include a logfile from your failure.
  18. Your media is crap, try some Taiyo Yuden discs since they are the best for -R writing.
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