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Everything posted by cornholio7

  1. you can read the guides, it's explained there
  2. check the faq about dma http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=967
  3. you could buy the game
  4. go into tools/settings and restore defaults, then check in the write tab that it is on DAO and try again
  5. why have you set it to incremental and not DAO?
  6. turn debug off and post another log please
  7. ume are 2nd worst at digitalfaq http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
  8. have you read the guides?
  9. you can burn cd's just not dvd's
  10. so you don't have a dvd burner then? that drive can burn cd's and read dvd's , so if you put a dvd writeable media in the drive , it will tell you it is unable to recover a TOC
  11. do you want help with updating your firmware or...?
  12. cornholio7


  13. i have had 2 x 250gb maxtors running for about 3 yrs constantly without any problems and the WD caviars i have ( 4 of them) have all been good too
  14. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1777 you could use imgburn to build an iso and .mds file
  15. me neither IE7
  16. will this even work?
  17. further up in the log , what are the shown supported speeds, if the lowest is 6x then imgburn will choose that
  18. what media are you using?
  19. you could try unlocker http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/
  20. @Sliztzan , that will only change the drive region code, i believe Tdogg wanted to know how to make the disc region free which imgburn cannot do
  21. you should really use verify after you burn. those ritek discs aren't very good. out of sync is usually down to the conversion process, we can't help you with that here if you still have the original iso file on your hdd, try verifying the disc against the image using verify mode
  22. if they are networked, either transfer the dvd.iso to the other pc or burn across the network
  23. your drive doesn't like those discs, try verbatim or taiyo yuden , but as donta already said, it might be easier just to buy a new drive as the one you have is old
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