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Everything posted by cornholio7

  1. can you post a log please , that would help us to help you
  2. no problem
  3. not really, if you compare some of the scans i have made in the media forum , even though they are scanned with the benq, the jitter is generally higher on the plextor 716, its just the way it is , the benq have low jitter as does my pioneer, my nec gives a higher jitter reading, its just different from drive to drive.
  4. that can easily be explained with that plextor drive, i have one too, the jitter score is always higher using it, and once the jitter comes over 10%, the quality rating drops quite quickly. what speed did you burn these at?
  5. if you have the possibility to get the drive in a pc to flash it then try that , even if its in a friends pc, i cant flash my usb drive in the usb enclosure, i have to move it into the pc
  6. i think its because your drive doesn't fully support scanning. there probably won't be any jitter measurement if you have the time try accuracy and faster and post up the results so others that have the same choice you have can see what the results are
  7. take a look at 'information' here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showuser=4
  8. i think they call it sarrcarrsem in certain parts of europe, other people may say they were taking the piss or pulling your chain or....
  9. http://blogs.technet.com/james/archive/200...ta-sounds2.aspx take a listen to the sound clip about half way down the page
  10. where did you download it from? there are no virii in the ones on the official sites
  11. if you don't want to save the contents of the drive just format it. right click my computer, go into manage, go to disc management and see if you can locate your drive there, it probably needs to be activated
  12. i would make it ntfs if you intend to use it for ripping
  13. hmm , i've only ever used seamless building direct to disc, i dont make dual layer iso's any more. i can't tell you what percentage of players support seamless , but i'm sure most newer players would.
  14. just use seamless, if your player supports it, if you don't know then maybe you will have to sacrifice a disc in the attempt, i did this recently for the first time as i didn't know if my player did or not but all worked flawlessly. about the pgc edit question, best wait 'till blutach comes along , i dont use it
  15. what makes you think the buffer fluctuating will result in a coaster? both my benq drives fluctuate a lot because of the WOPC , and my pioneer actually stops between speed changes but i have not had a coaster out of any of them yet. it is normal for the buffers to fluctuate in build mode and won't affect your iso
  16. well theres a firmware update for your drive here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2113 UDS2 these discs gave mixed reviews when they were tested by us here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=580 maybe burning them at 4x will help , but the best advice is to see if you can get some taiyo yuden discs or some verbatims hope this helps a bit and if you have any more problems then please ask again
  17. sounds like crappy media . any chance you can open imgburn , put one of the discs you mentioned in your drive , then copy and paste the info on the right hand side in your reply?
  18. i doubt it would be zone alarm , the boss uses it and he would have noticed
  19. hi , take a look here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=967 make sure you have the latest drivers for your motherboard too, see if this helps at all , if not let us know
  20. thanks groundrush and volvo
  21. imgburn has been altered since the guide was written to make single layer mds files optional (ie , you can choose auto, yes or no). the guide has just been updated too
  22. he isn't ??
  23. err... how would it know you were finished adding files unless you told it by hitting the build/burn button?
  24. cornholio7

    growl karaoke

    shamus, check it out and sing along http://www.media.ebaumsworld.com/growl.swf
  25. you are of course entitled to your own opinion , but both of my benq drives out perform my plextor and you have the added advantage of making pi/po scans with the benq's. fwiw mine have no logo on the drawer either
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