that would depend on if your burner supports bitsetting.
you can find a little book on the bottom right hand side of the gui ,click on it and see if your drive is listed
try deleting the IDE controller anyway and reboot and at least we will know for sure its not that.
i had a problem with a pc recently that was giving similar problems and restoring dma solved that problem
look at the link for dma
like LUK says just changing spindles can give the kind of results you are experiencing
welcome to the ibsf .
can you post a log when you open the programme so we can get a bit more info about whats happening
press L and copy and paste the contents in your reply
you ignored the warning in your log about overburning - the image is too big for the disc, you need to compress it.
CMC MAG are maybe one of the worst discs you can use.
try verbatim or taiyo yuden discs
at the moment (right now)(at present)(at the point of typing this)
both IDE channels have all 4 drives on them as master/slave jumpers
O/S is in SATA RAID 0
i keep my iso's on another RAID 0 set attatched to a PCI card
i have 4 burners connected atm. the 1655 id having a rest until i get an usb enclosure , and i have 6 burners in all, if i need to swap one it takes all of 3 mins to do it anyway
any chance you could post a log in your next post?
open imgburn, press 'L' on your keyboard if the log window doesnt appear, then insert a blank disc and copy and paste the whole log please