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  1. I looked for a guide and searched the forum, but could not find anything about burning existing dvd directories. I found something on another forum about having to create an image first and then burn it. I do not understand why that makes a difference though. I will look some more and post the log if I can't figure it out. Thanks. //C
  2. That is outstanding. I have been hoping to be able to use and recommend a single program to both create and burn ISO images so that I can legally backup my disks. The fact that this functionality has been added and that ImgBurn remains free is fantastic, and I am confident that many users, including myself, are very grateful indeed. Thank you.
  3. Hi Lightning, thanks for your help. I'm going to drop the cd burner now. Yes, board one end of cable, drive at the other. I'd be delighted if it turns out I don't have to re-create the ISO. Thanks
  4. I'll dump the cd so the dvd burner is the only thing on that cable. Re-create a new ISO and try to burn it. Hard drive is fine, no errors or problems in any other respect, etc. Not sure what you mean by : Which I/O are you using in ImgBurn ? I really appreciate your suggestions. It is a real puzzler to me why things went south on me all of a sudden. Thanks for the help.
  5. Re: cable, I used the one the manufacturer supplied. Based on what you said, I guess it is the thinner 80 pin cable and it was a thicker 40 pin that I took out. Re: motherboard, I can check. But, I had been using the same computer, ImgBurn, same discs, etc for about a year without any real probelms. I don't think this can be it, but is there anyway the iso file can be "corrupted". No real reason to think that, except that I am using an iso file about a year old. It would be a lot of work to re-create the iso from the original photos which is why I saved the iso file. Anyway, thanks for the input. Do you think the motherboard is important. It is a two year old Dell Dimension 8400 with a Pentium 4 2.8 chip.
  6. I've looked through much of the support forums about this but maybe I'm searching for the wrong thing or I'm not familiar enough with some of the burning, image, etc. vocabulary. What I'm trying to do is take a DL movie and back it up onto two DVD+Rs. I've read all about creating a single image of a single layer DVD and creating a single image of a dual layer DVD but nothing about how to build two image files of a DVD+R DL, one of each layer. Can somebody point me in the right direction? I could simply buy some DVD+R DL and create an exact copy of what I want but I'd rather put it on two DVD+Rs and save a ton of money.
  7. I followed the guide on how to build an DL ISO out of Video_TS files, however I don't understand how to go about making a seamless DVD, which the guide leaves out. After pressing the build button, the create LB break position windows pops up and the seamless option is available. So I check seamless, get the warning, select OK, then what? Do I have to still have to select the LB position from the list given to me? I already selected one from pushing the calculate button. Am I still suppose to choose a SPLIP with a NO? or is it the opposite after seamless is selected?
  8. No it doesn't matter what you're burning. It also doesn't matter if you create the image first or burn on-the-fly, the exact same data is sent to the drive. It just looks to me as if your drive is having mega issues with those discs. In case you've got a dodgy batch of verbatims, perhaps you could buy another lot? You'll use them eventually anyway - right?! If a new batch still won't burn, there must be something up with your drive. As they're only about ?25 now, it's probably cheaper to just buy a new one than it is to keep wasting DL discs!
  9. Carefully reads the guide first.... Is there any way to tell where a file/directory will be truncated when you add it in Build Mode? Drop C:\Data\Movies\Store\Barney in the BM Tab and \Barney goes on the disk, add C:\Data\Movies\Angelina on and you get (I think) \Store\Barney and \Angelina. (Yeah I'm backing up my 3yr old daughters movies) I know I can get the full directory names with Preserve Full Pathnames, but is there any way to tell IB where to split the names? e.g. in the above case I'd prefer \Barney and \Angleina. Is that possible? Aside: I'll admit that is one feature I miss from using CdBurnerXp, it had a more explorer like interface in the Build area. If you've never used it, CB lets you do things like create a Directory in Build mode (i.e. on the iso image, not on the hard disk) So you can create '\Movies" on the image, then drop Barney and Angelina into \Movies and get \Movies\Barney and \Movies\Angelina on the DVD. I can achieve the same things using Ntfs Hardlinks or reorganising my HD in Explorer before dropping things into IB, though I'd be curious to know what others think of this? What I should do of course is just buy a bigger disk, because Data\Movies\Store is a Junction and is actually my second drive (both only 20Gs) I did get a 160G recently, which of course worked perfectly when I got it and then died shortly afterwards because of a faulty power connector in my PC, so no warranty cover..... - I have three good power connectors and one intermittent one... Mark
  10. Clearly this isn't a bug (you normally have to know what you're doing before you can call something a bug), it's because you've: 1. Messed with the file splitting settings. 2. Formatted your drives using FAT32 which is limited to storing files with a max size of 4GB - hence ImgBurn has to create multiple files. If it's the later, convert the disk to NTFS.
  11. I have an NEC AD-7173A which is the same as the Sony AWG170A (NEC and Sony merged their optical drive departments to create a new company called "Optiarc") and don't have any problems burning with it in an external enclosure. It's a great drive. First off, what media are you using (in particular the media ID code) ? If you are using good quality media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim (Mitsubishi CC), then I would get a replacement drive. However, post the log here so we can see what's going wrong.
  12. trueno, try burning those Ricohs at 2.4X and see what happens. They may be okay? We just recommend Verbs as the DL media of choice. Post back and let us know what happens. Have you tried using Imgs' build mode to create your .ISO image?
  13. Hello, I need to create a bootable CD with the ImgBurn that will work with my Windows XP. Could you tell what options are needed? Thanks!! Backspace
  14. I'm attempting to burn my first dual layer DVD movie (+R DL Verbatim, dual layer burner). Using Nero Vision Express (or Pinnacle Studio 8), I create the necessary VIDEO_TS folder, VOB, IFO & BUP files with total size at 7+ GBs. Using ImgBurn (tried PGCEDIT too), and following the guide, I try to "Display IFO Layer Break Information" and get the message that ImgBurn is unable to find any cell that can be used for a layer break. Here's the thing. Only one cell was generated for the whole movie title and there are 8 .VOB files. The total time span is contained in one large cell. I have no menu, buttons, etc when I create my output, and upon research, that my situation may not be that unusual. All of my single DVD movies are single cell as well. Is it posssible that ImgBurn wants to see multiple cells to calculate the layer beak? Based on other forum inquiries, all seem to deal with multiple cell issues. I've tried suggestions based on those inquiries but nothing has helped. Any help will be appreciated.
  15. Windows sees the Device. It is connected via USB. The device has the updated firmware. I have been able to create images of games from the device. ImgBrn log shows it detects a DVD drive but does not allow me to select it as a device to write.
  16. You could use the build mode of ImgBurn to create an ISO containing files that you know are good (check out the build mode guide and select Image File as the output mode). Thanks for the idea. Will try that......
  17. I seem to have everything installed on my computer, but - when I go to ImgBurn to create my DVD I'm unable to burn. Notation at bottom states " Device Not Ready (Medium Not Present). Could you help or explain. Thanks
  18. Or just go to regedit, hklm/system/currentcontrolset/control/class/{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0001 and 0002 and make sure MasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed and SlaveDeviceTimingModeAllowed are both set to FFFFFFFF Which they are. Nothing else was going on... like I said, I "paused" the burning and the HDD light went off (it blinks in time to the CD drive light as well, highly annoying design) and it never picked back up after resuming. If nothing else, maybe I could ask that when the process is paused, it takes the time to refill the buffers? I could create an ISO first, but that would defeat the purpose of using ImgBurn instead of Nero... *shrug* I figure there has to be a better way. I could increase the buffer size - I didn't even know there was that option. I could make a 256mb buffer... hehe. =)
  19. You could use the build mode of ImgBurn to create an ISO containing files that you know are good (check out the build mode guide and select Image File as the output mode).
  20. ??? How would I know this? The way I have been working is like this: Create the Video_TS as usual, and compile this to a Video_TS folder. Import this into Sonic's DVD-Audio Creator. Author the rest of the Audio_TS Set the cutting point in the Command Editor to PTP, setting the cutting point to the first track in the Video_TS. Compile to Audio_TS, Video_TS & DDP files ready for imaging. To test the compilation, use the MakeIMG applet (otherwise the IMAGER in DAC will only write to DLT or a Pioneer S201 Authoring device) Open this IMG file using GEAR Pro Mastering Edition - this asks me to tell it what type of media the image is, and has options for Dual layer or single layer, with both OTP & PTP in the dialogue. Select PTP & import. Load up Verbatim DVD+R DL disc. Burn On playback, there seems to be a correct setting of the disc to PTP - there is no layer break glitch in any of the streams, and it would be immediately obvious if there was one. However, no pause, no glitch in audio, no nothing apart from perfect playback. I was sort of assuming that the PTP option is being honoured. If it were not - then why am I not getting any layer break glitch? Layer 1 is larger than Layer 0 here as authored. If the burn is going down as OTP - with Layer 0 larger than Layer 1 - why no glitch? There is always a momentary glitch in a DVD-Video disc, unless I set the break to be at a point between timelines (I test on a player that glitches at the break, not the ones that refocus instantly) So - if this is being written as OTP, why no glitch?
  21. This is my first time using Imgburn. I tried to create a backup copy of my LOR Battle for Middle Earth CD1 for everyday use. Disk1 is required in the drive in order to play the game, but the backup copy is not working. What did I do wrong?
  22. Bah, after searching google on the error it seems like i found a answer for my problem on these boards: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=2982 It seems like i can ONLY use: Verbatim DVD+R DL discs to create backups.
  23. but you dont have to create an iso and then burn it...you can burn the files directly to the dvd in build mode
  24. if i understand it right i could create two folder called video_ts and put the different files in the folders and burn it..... but are the dvd players going to get confused about what folder to play? because they going to have the same name?(i am not sure if i even can have two same named folders) please
  25. I would like to suggest some features, that I think would be useful. First Cue/bin support, I'm missing that very often (possibly I'm not the only one). I miss multi session support the most. Is it possible that it will be implemented in the near future? And the possibility to create folders in build mode would be nice.
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