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Freeware to view ImgBurn .ibg files.

Daystrom M5

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I may be wrong, but, as I understand CLV drive operation, to achieve a straight RPM plot you need to vary the burn/verify rate exactly as the circumference changes while you burn/verify the disk.


I doubt this would happen often given the variety of drives, media, and system capabilities.


I just posted this question on the CD Freaks Forum. I hope someone can lead me in the right direction.

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Surely the drive just picks an RPM speed and stays at it? That doesn't strike me as hard... it must be the easiest thing it can do!


The write speed will then increase as the software reads the sectors from inner -> outer tracks.


There are thousands of cdspeed / dvdinfopro screenshots displaying RPM, you can use them to see what's what.


The 2.4x burns of MKM-001-00 media (CLV) here show the constant write speed and decreasing RPM - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=2310


The 16x burns of MMC-004-00 media (CAV) here show the increasing write speed and constant RPM - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=9525

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Latest version of BurnPlot attached. [Edited - Previous Version Removed, See Current Post For Latest Version]


Changes made to this version :


1. Form and taskbar icon fixed. (I hope !)


2. MEDIA_LAYER_BREAK indicator line implemented. (Yellow line instead of red.)


3. DVDInfoPro like .ibg file data displayed.


4. DVD-ROM, HD DVD, and BD media SL/DL check implemented.


I don't have any .ibg's to test some of this stuff so I hope it all works.


As always, take it for a spin and let me know what you find.



Edited by Daystrom M5
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This one appears to an extra dependancy... :(





Component 'RICHTX32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid





It seems as if you've ditched the normal label's / captions and gone for a richedit box instead. Any chance you could revert?! Not only that, the richedit ends up scrolling (highlight with your mouse and you'll see what I mean) and that's just weird.


I think I preferred it when the coloured boxes / check boxes / text etc were left aligned with the groupbox above them. What does anyone else think?


The icon on the taskbar looks right now! lol


But maybe that's just because you've done away with the 4 bit ones and the 8 bit / 32 bit look pretty much the same ;)


There seems to be an issue with opening the attached IBG. I get no speed scale up the left side and not size scale on the bottom.



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on my system

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)


it does not start at all.

Tried to installed the decency.

get windows error




"\windows\system32\RICHTX32.OCX" is not an executable file and no registration

helper is registered for this file type.





thanks for the program



edit: fixed downloaded from another source and all ok

Edited by dirio49
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Sorry about the ocx ! Never even thought to check for dependencies when I added the rich text boxes.


Fixed in this version. [Edited - Previous Version Removed, See Current Post For Latest Version]


@ LIGHTNING UK! - Fixed the issue with the .ibg file you attached. Turns out the "Media Type" in this particular .ibg file was not included in the list of valid media types you provided.


Of course you are correct about the icons - removing the 4 bit icons seemed to give me the desired effect. (At least on XP and, apparently, on Vista.) I had already tried the code suggested by LordWarlock and ended up with a nice taskbar icon but a blank white box where the form icon should be. (VB6 does not support 32 bit form icons - I guess.)


@ LordWarlock - I am unfamiliar with Windows 7. Why would you need a 32x32 icon in the taskbar ? Is the taskbar in Windows 7 twice as tall as the taskbar in XP ?


@ Everyone - Should be approaching useful with this version. As LIGHTNING UK! mentioned, let me know what you think about the layout.



Edited by Daystrom M5
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@ LIGHTNING UK! - Yes, you missed DVD+RW and DVD-RW. It worked out well though. The .ibg issue forced me to clean up my code a bit. The case statement I use to setup the graphs was looking for discrete media types ("CD-ROM", "DVD-ROM", "HD DVD-ROM", "BD-ROM", etc...) which would fail if the program encountered an unknown media type. (As you found out. I did not include an "Else" statement so errors would be easy to spot.)


The new structure looks for the first two characters of the media type ("CD", "DV", "HD", "BD") and then scales the graph according to disk capacity (Media sectors * data type - the SL/DL check you suggested because some media types do not differentiate between them.)


Let me know if you see any problems with this technique.


@ LordWarlock - Is that the "Quick Launch" portion of the Windows 7 taskbar you are showing ? What about the center portion of the taskbar that shows an icon and title for open windows/running programs - is that also twice as high as Windows XP taskbar ? Please tell me that Microsoft has included a "Classic" desktop/taskbar theme so I can do away with the preschooler version you are showing me !

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There's no 'QuickLaunch' in Windows 7, MS did away with it. The entire task bar is that size - right from the start button, all the way to the system tray.


Oh and no, there is no 'Classic' look now - thank god!


People that want their 2009 OS to look like Windows 95 need shooting :P

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Well, then, I guess I need shooting !


I was appalled when I first saw the "fuzzy bunny" interface of XP but relieved to see that I could use the "classic" view to get my desktop, start menu, and folder views to resemble something I was familiar with but still retained the XP style.


I am sorry to hear that there is no "classic" option available in Windows 7. Now, besides there being no functional reason for me to ever migrate to Vista or Windows 7, it appears that there are stylistic reasons for me not to do so.


I am probably missing the point here but if I wanted the Readers Digest large type taskbar I would have gotten one of those magnifying lenses to put over my monitor.


Maybe it's time to start looking at an Apple !


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I am sorry to hear that there is no "classic" option available in Windows 7. Now, besides there being no functional reason for me to ever migrate to Vista or Windows 7, it appears that there are stylistic reasons for me not to do so.



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Don't you find looking at a basic (solid) grey screen a bit boring?


Even if you don't like the teletubbie theme, you could always use the silver one.


Aero in Vista looks nice and Windows 7 is just an extension of that.


The taskbar in Windows 7 is just 'different'. It's not at all like previous versions of Windows. You should take a look at the RC version (download from microsoft.com), at least then you'll know first hand what's changing in the world of Microsoft OS's :)

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It looks like I misspoke - I am not actually using the "Windows Classic" theme. My current theme is described as "Windows XP (Modified)" under Display Properties and it is anything but gray !


I am happy to say that a little research reveals I will be able to modify the default Windows 7 "Readers Digest" taskbar to resemble the XP taskbar (Small icons and descriptive text for open programs) and enable the Quick Launch toolbar.


It looks like I will still be able to tweak the UI to my liking much as I did when I started using XP.


I guess I won't be shopping for an Apple just yet.

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New version of BurnPlot attached. BurnPlot.exe

@ LordWarlock - Let me know if the taskbar icon works correctly in Windows 7. I tried the vbaccelerator code again. I must have done something wrong the first time. It looks OK in XP but who knows if it is actually going to do what it is supposed to do in Windows 7.


@ LIGHTNING UK! / Everyone - I would like some .ibg files for CD, DVD (SL & DL), HD DVD (SL & DL) and BD (SL & DL) media so I can work on the data averaging routine. If you have any, please attach them.



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People that want their 2009 OS to look like Windows 95 need shooting :P


Better pass me a blindfold and a last cigarette, then.


<rant mode>


Why the hell would I want 32bit icons which (obviously) forces me to run a 32bit resolution? 4 billion colours are now at my fingertips to display in all their glory, which, given that the average human can distinguish an average of 10,000 colours and shades, seems like a pointless waste of cpu/gpu time and money. It's like buying a digital camera.


"I want this camera"


Yes, sir. A 5 megapixel camera.




"If you spend an extra $50 you can have a 7 megapixel camera"


"I don't want to spend an extra $50"


"But this camera will give you better quality"


"You're telling me that you can show me the difference in picture quality between between a 5 megapixel and a 7 megapixel camera?"


"No, I can't show you - but it is better."


"It's better but you can't show me how? You fuckin' idiot."



(And so went my recent trip to the shops)



Back on topic: I can't see the need for such a waste of resources. If I can't see how a 32bit display is better than a 24bit display, why foist it upon me like a 10 dollar hooker? Give me a simple display with functionality over eye candy any day. Where's my Commodore 64 when I need it and get off my lawn.


<rant off but reserved for later use>

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@ LordWarlock & LIGHTNING UK! - OK, will do, next build.


The two icons are identical - "1" is the form icon and "AAA" is the RC compiled resource used with the vbaccelerator code module.


I will have to look at the vbaccelerator code so I understand what it is actually doing.


@ Shamus_McFartfinger - This is why I will never migrate to Vista - All show and no go ! I'm glad to see that Windows 7 is not quite the resource hog that Vista proved to be.


Nice analogy but I have to admit I just bought my first digital camera. I waited until I could buy a 10 Megapixel camera at a reasonable price. I wanted the resolution to approximate that of film. I want to see every hair - is that so wrong ?


BTW - How much do you usually pay for a hooker ?

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