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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. Correct
  2. Nope, I'm afraid not. I only looked at that one because it was the main item in a newsletter from a company called novatech and I thought 'oh, cool!' when I first saw it. No intention of buying one, just liked that idea of it!
  3. hmmm custom file system... didn't see that bit! I guess they're not as convenient as they first seem then. If it weren't for login scripts etc, installing the proprietary software would be a right pain in the arse for anything other than a network consisting of a couple of machines. Totally with you on the 10/100 mbit thing though. For HDDs, those kinds of speeds are no where near enough. They've pretty much shot themselves in the foot by not going 1 gbit.
  4. So I can stop this thing now? Yup! Thanks anyway mate.
  5. Wahoo, just tested the fix kevdriver sorted me out with on my vmware virtual network (mirror of the one at work) and it fixed the problem perfectly! This really couldn't have come at a better time - we've got what's known as an 'ofsted' inspection on Monday (used to determine good schools from bad ones) and they'll all be so much happier now that the logons aren't taking 30 seconds!
  6. ok, I lied, this latest zipped exe is only using 6 chars for the password.
  7. Shamus, I tried that but at 16,000,000 passwords a second, it was going to take something like 4 years! To help you, its a 9 character password btw. Yes kevdriver, that was exactly what I needed. I've no idea how you did it - especially on a saturday - but thanks!
  8. I don't see the problem here... I can delete my posts just fine!
  9. lol, what a shockingly awful song!
  10. Checked and waiting....
  11. lol yeah nice try - I've had that file for a while. Searching for the password would take years though.
  12. Aye, that be the one!
  13. No, it's not written from scratch. No, there probably wont be any official translations.
  14. I'd go with a shared network drive too! Had a newsletter off some computer company the other day that was selling them for ?79.99. They only run at 10/100 mbit but it could hold 2 drives. Stick a couple of 400GB ones in there and you're laughing!
  15. That's the point, it's unreleased! It's not on the normal MS support website yet. The fixes DO exist though, you can download them (if you know the link) but they're password protected zip files - using a 9 character password. Here are some links to relevant posts on that forum I mentioned: http://www.brianmadden.com/forum/tm.asp?m=18206 http://www.brianmadden.com/forum/tm.asp?m=18357 The latter has links to the pw protected hotfixes (page 2 I think).
  16. I'm in desperate need of an unreleased hotfix from Microsoft but they're not being very forthcoming. The hotfix solves a 20 second logon delay issue when using folder redirection / roaming profiles. It's known as KB 899409. It's available in 2 forms. One for Windows Server 2003 (I have that one) - which fixes the issue if you logon to the server itself (i.e. directly or via TS / Citrix etc). The other is for XP SP2 - which is the one I need. People in Oz have said they've rung MS and been told they only have the XP fix, so I've tried doing swaps with people but they never seem to come back to he forum where I've been posting ( www.brianmadden.com - Mainly Citrix, hence why they need the Server 2003 patch). The hotfixes are available freely, you just need to get the right (read: helpful!) person on the other end of the phone.
  17. 1. Load ImgBurn 2. Switch to 'Write' mode. 2a. You can do that via the 'Write image file to disc' button on the 'Ez-Mode Picker' screen. or 2b. Click the 'Mode' menu at the top and then the 'Write' option. 3. Insert blank CD/DVD/BD (depending on image size!) 4. Select a file to write by clicking on the 'Browse for file' button. If you created the image with ImgBurn, you should be looking for a *.CUE / *.MDS file initially. If you can't locate one of those with the name you're expecting, go for whatever is left! (probably a *.ISO file) 5. Click the big 'Write' button. 6. Wait a while zzzzz..... Finished!


    Problem: I can only run ImgBurn once having installed it. After that, it doesn't load again. If I reinstall, I can load it one more time. This goes on and on and on.... Answer: Sorry to have to tell you this but you've got a virus. When the program is run, the virus is infecting the exe. This change means the CRC checks fail in the EXE loader and it wont load again. Invest in a virus killer and wipe the nasty thing out. Don't leave your machine unprotected again!!!


    Problem: You get an error saying 'Unable to lock volume for exclusive access' A.K.A. 'DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed!' Answer: If the 'Reason' given is 'Invalid function' (or words to that effect) You need to update your IDE drivers. Your current ones are old and don't support this IMPORTANT feature. If the 'Reason' given is 'Access is denied' (or words to that effect) Another program is currently using the drive. You need to find out what it is and shut it down! The only way I know of finding out what else has a 'handle' open to the drive is by using Process Explorer from www.sysinternals.com Load it up and click 'Find' -> 'Find Handle...' The type 'cdrom' and click 'search' See if it comes up with any results If it doesn't, try searching for the drive letter of that drive - i.e. 'F:' If it finds something, click on it in the search window. The main window should then highlight the process / 'File' entry that contains the handle to the drive. You can right click -> close the handle if you like, or just close the entire application, it's up to you. You may also get error 'Unknown (34)' sometimes. Cancel the burn, press F5 and then attempt to write it again. It's just windows going mad, nothing to worry about An alternative to using the Process Explorer tool would be one called 'Unlocker' - http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/ Once installed you can just right click the drive in explorer and select the 'Unlocker' option. Hopefully it'll present you with a window listing all the applications that are using the drive. This tool is great in that you can use it for anything that's locked and supposedly in use by something else (something that's very common when you're trying to delete files!).


    Problem: My disc appeared to burn ok, but I'm experiencing skips, jumps and pauses during playback Answer: You've used media that your drive doesn't like very much. Basically I'm saying it can't read it - or at least not quickly enough to provide smooth playback. Please refer to the 'Which DVD-R media should I buy?' FAQ posted above.


    Problem: I've deleted some files but I'm not getting my disk space back. Answer: OK, well the obvious thing to check here is that they're not in your 'Recycle Bin'. Right click on it and hit 'Empty Recycle Bin'. Still not got the space back? I expect you have a Norton (Symantec) tool installed that has added the 'Norton Protected Recycle Bin' feature to your standard Recycle Bin. The 'Norton Protected Recycle Bin' stores files you delete that don't go into the standard Recycle Bin. It has its good and bad points I guess. The bad ones are mainly that if you don't know it's installed, you end up running out of disk space! As before, right click the 'Recycle Bin' (that's probably actually called 'Norton Protected Recycle Bin') and select 'Empty Norton Protected Recycle Bin'. That should give you back the space you thought had gone missing.


    Problem: The program gets stuck on 'Searching for SCSI/ATAPI Devices' Answer: Some old drives can cause this to happen. The program sends a command to them that they just dont like and they hang! They shouldn't hang, they should just respond with a 'I dont understand'. If a drive hangs, the program hangs. To find out where exactly the program is hanging (or rather, which drive is causing the problem), simply run the attached REG file when ImgBurn is CLOSED. It will enable a little built in feature known as 'I/O Debug Mode'. This logs all data sent to the drive so I can work out what exactly is causing the problem. Once you've run the file, open ImgBurn again. You'll see a lot more being put into the log. When nothing else is added, simply highlight everything in the log (Edit -> Select All) and then copy (Edit -> Copy) to your clipboard. You can then post details about it in the support forum and include the full log - by pasting it from your clipboard. Important Note: Do NOT run this file for ANY other reason. Enable_Debug_Mode.reg


    Problem: Which DVD-R media should I buy? Answer: Well it's kinda hard to give you a straight answer to this question. Some drives just work better with some media than others. It's often difficult to actually find the media you're after. This is because a 'brand' name can often use discs from various manufacturers. Therefore it's important when buying discs that you look at what's known as the 'Media ID' and not who puts their name on the label. Look at the following link: http://www.svp.co.uk/ (Then select 'Blank DVDs' from the menu on the left) You can see lots of 'brands' being sold (Datasafe, Verbatim, Datawrite, Bulkpaq etc) but if you look at what they have down for the ADVDINFO text, many have the same 'Media ID'. Common ones are: MCC TY YUDEN RITEK CMC Prodisc Personally I'd steer clear of everything except MCC, TY and YUDEN for single layer discs. For double layer, you want to be buying discs using the MKM dye - normally branded by Verbatim. TY and YUDEN are both from the same people (Taiyo Yuden). The TY discs are - (minus) format, the YUDEN ones are + (plus) format. I wouldn't say they're any (much?) more expensive, but they're decent quality and unlike many other makes, you can trust them to be 'readable' in the future! lol The Media ID of your discs can be seen in the information panel on the right within ImgBurn and you have the blank media in your DVD Writer. It'll either show under 'Media ID', 'Disc ID' or 'Manufacturer ID'. Incase you'd like to learn more about good and bad discs, here's a link to someone elses site: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
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