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Posts posted by volvofl10
oh well, thats the end of this thread then
do we ???
a quick google of your model shows up quite a few poor reports about that drive im afraid.
as per Kenadjians advice, post a log using ImgBurn , as the program you used is no longer supported
why not simply burn the EXtracted DAA file with ImgBurn , after all , as you state, ultraiso is the compressor/decompressor for these files
ImgBurn is a burning program , not a extraction prog like winrar,winzip,ultraiso.
what would you want ImgBurn to actually do ?, extract then burn the iso ?
Somewhere, in Australia, colloquially called Oz, there is a prison, called Oz. Inside Oz in Oz, there is the world's most dangerous criminal mastermind. Formerly an idiot, straw for brains, really, once he acquired education, he turned his mind to crime. Constructing a living robot, powered by a broken human heart, and a mutant anthropoid felis leo, knowing no fear through steroid overdose and gene therapy, he is waiting to invade the streets of the world in his armored balloon. He intends to steal the world's gold supplies, paving the streets of his own private nation of Oz with the booty. Any who dare to cross his path will feel the wrath of his weather dominator as he unleashes twister after twister. Yes, he's that smart! The guy's a real wizard! Cue Bond movie opening titles type music: HIS NAME IS BOLGER! BOLGER! HIS NAME IS BOLGER!
proof that frozen Bud still retains all the alcohol
gotta give it to DB , he does all the theory testing
JK. I don't suppose 5 aol cds and a can of warm Budweiser'll do it?
err , no . the 1$ is worth more
I never heard of either an "esky" or "chilly bin." I looked it up and, apparently, you all are referring to what we Americans call a cooler plain and simple. All along I thought you guys were talking about some new "miracle" gadget that keeps your beer cold!
Cooler ?, isnt that a prison/Jail or a time out room ( steve McQueen as the Cooler King/kid in "the great escape" i think)
OK, I'll ask the dumb question.What dost thou mean by "Oz"--and I'm assuming it's not an L. Frank Baum reference.
OZ as in AUStralia
dictionary excerpt
Oz (COUNTRY) Show phonetics
im now thinking where did they get the film title from " the wizard of Oz" ? , i didnt know Shane Warne was about when that film was released
Bernard Shaw's old maxim just hit me full with force:Britain and America: two nations separated by a common language."
Volvofl10's old maxim Britain and America: two nations separated by a fooking BIG garden pond
'Cause frankly, much as we love y'all
, ya do talks funny.
we love you to Pain man , but WHY oh WHY so many adverts in "House MD" and "Lost" , drop the amount of ads and we would love you a little bit more, even if you do call things by the wrong name
And don't even try the "it's our language" ploy; we both speak dialects descended from 17th century English, whether from the Midlands or the south (sources of the Northern and Southern American dialects respectively).
'Sides, I suspect have more English blood than a goodly number of UK citizens.
we are kinda well known for "putting it about" when on our holidays ( sorry , vacation) abroad
, or more commonly known as the British invasion
You guys have 55M people in that tiny island (does that # include Scotland and Wales?). Yet all the British TV I watch, I see so much open space. London has 11M people, the metro area probably even more. You guys must be packed in in your cities.time for a politically incorrect joke here about major cities being packed with foreigners
i never did like nero . i got the impression it was a program that we all bought and then beta tested it for them , shame they dont beta test it themselves before they release with each new version
if you tell someone something often enough, eventually they beleive it, regardless of if its true or not.
i think thats what nazi rule did to the German people. Sadly, most governments/politicians
still think the same applies today.FORTUNATELY the bollocks they try and tell you are such blatent crap, most of us see straight thru them.
There's a line from a Rush song (a dollar if you guess the song title, the album and the year it was released):
Art as expression
Not as market campaigns
Will still capture our imaginations
Given the same state of integrity
It will surely help us along
Natural Science , off the "Permanent waves " album released 1980 , now wheres my dollar ?, an dont try to send me one of those Mickey Mouse Disney Dollars either
Besides, any connisee..... conasseer..... connyser....You must be far more of a conoisseur than I.
I've never heard of that.
connoisseur ............... even i (the typo king) knew how to spill that one
yea....................but no, but yea, but no
BWA-HA-HA ...........bet you get the cold shoulder treatment after she's read it for an hour or two
AHHHH, CMC's strike again.
There should be a law against the sale of these things.
there is a law that covers this , its called the "data protection act" in the UK .
basically your not allowed to divulge any data about anyone , and CMC follow this to the rule. once burnt ( IF they burn ) you cant read any data from them ever again !!
PERFECT data protection
looks like a 6 legged spider, proving just how UNIQUE ImgBurn really is
talking of "queer" currency notes, im sure Lfc said something to me about he's into 9 bob notes and is trying to make a large dollection of them
chicken FWIED WICE 5 dorrar
I thought that was "Sucky Fucky $5" ???
nor,nor,nor,. dat is creamofsomyungboy 5 dorrars
chicken FWIED WICE 5 dorrar
wekcome to the new chinese tekaway , wat-u-wan ? chicken flied lice /
beta worked fine with IE 6, just reinstalled it and checked again , all links ok
or recording mini series ?
LFC , whats come over you ASKING if you can be nosey ?
althougth most dvd drives have a countersink in the disc draw for 8cm discs, not many of them actually work with 8cm discs.
my lg drive is the same , as was plextor with mini cd's. and is a pioneer cd player in the car
you need to find out from optorite if that drive was meant to be used with the 8cm discs before you trouble yourself with why they wont work for you
it may even be a case of getting an adadpter/caddy for the drive to recognise the disc
just looked for firmware for your drive, and ther'ss several updates . you mention youve tried 3 differant ones, but ahve you tried 2.50 , which si the latest of all of the uppdates ?
2.03, 2.04, 2.06, 2.07, 2.09, 2.11, 2.14, 2.15 , 2.16, 2.23, 2.25, 2.30, 2.50 (for Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
here's a link to v2.50 for you HERE
i looked round optorites site as well for you, and as you say, it sucks
if its a dvd-rom drive, it cant write to discs, only read from them ( ROM = read only memory).
the likes of shrink will read from the disc, but cannot write to it.likewise with ImgBurn .
as its not capable of writting to a blank disc, this is why its not showing as a destination device when you run ImgBurn , sorry
AVI Format
in ImgBurn Support
18 gig avi sounds like a camcorder transfer ?