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Posts posted by ianymaty

  1. Always leave the verify option enabled as that will tell you if the drive did a god job or a bad one. Laptop/slimline burners aren't the best at the job (burning).


    Try a higher speed as it may produce a working disc. You already know that 4x isn't working so try the others available (6x, 8x). Finaly try with 2x.


    Try cleaning the lens manualy or with a lens cleaning disc.


    Try higher quality disc from Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.


    If none of them work you need a new drive. Get one normal size drive in an external USB enclosure.

  2. I have certain doubts of doing so, what are the involved potential problems by doing so?

    The worst case scenario is to damaging the drive but that is possible only if the power goes down in the time of flashing.


    Don't be scared about that potentiality if you have a UPS. Also what chances are to cut the power at that particular time when you do the flashing (~30-60 sec)


    I've done probably more than 100 firmware updates without any problem whatever.


    Think about it: It's the easiest fix from what you can try, and chances are to realy fix your problem.


    If that don't fix it, move to other try like chipset/storage drivers. This site may help identify what needs updating and provide the links.


    Then try other discs like recommended in previous posts.

  3. It doesen't matter what is labeled on the disc. The drive don't know that.


    The drive recognise the disc by the MID/dye of the disc and using a table stored in its firmware will list the burn speeds available for that MID/dye.


    The manufacturer of the drive (usualy) may list in firmware more speeds and higher that is labeled on the disc if considered to work after the tests they make.


    Those speeds doesn't necessarily work everytime. If a speed don't produce a good job try the next available.


    The speed of the burn isn't important if it does the job and verify OK. Any drive that read that disc don't care at what speed was burned, all it needs is to be readable.

  4. Aha! Probably something in your browser/security soft is blocking the acces to the site where it's posted.


    It's a nice glittering "Happy Birthday" card Cynthia use to enchant us.

  5. ImgBurn has no support for that feature (multisession), sorry.


    Anyway, for DVD Video, what you want is not possible with any burning software.


    Allways try to fill the disc since you can't add more to it. Or use RW discs for temporary projects.

  6. I 22:09:59 Destination Media Type: BD-R (Disc ID: PHILIP-R04-00) (Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x)


    Your drive shows that can burn that disc at those speeds.


    Even if it claims it can burn it at those speeds it doesn't necessarily make a good job at every speed you select.


    Al you can do is burn at every speed is offered and compare them. If it is possible with a drive that can do PIPO/Disc quality scanning (Lite-On). Than use that speed that produce the best job to burn in the future.


    The colors of different shade is due to the speed change in drive burning strategy. Don't worry about that if the disc is readable/no errors.

  7. Your drive can only burn that disc at that speeds shown in that line, so whatever speed you would select other than what it shows possible the drive will use the closest available to burn.


    If you select 2x it will be burned at 3x, if you select anything above 8x it wil be burned at 8x however.

  8. I 20:39:52 Destination Media Type: CD-RW (Disc ID: 97m26s65f, CMC Magnetics Corp.)


    Your drive don't have support for that disc in it's firmware. It not show any write speed available.


    Try higher quality disc from Verbatim or at least other than CMC MID/Dye.


    Use regular blank discs instead of RW.


    Buy a new drive that can burn the disc you use.


    Also update ImgBurn to current release.

  9. Burn

    I 12:01:47 Destination Media Type: DVD-R DL (Disc ID: RITEKP01) (Speeds: 2x, 4x)

    I 12:01:47 Write Speed: 4x

    I 12:29:15 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:27:28

    I 12:29:15 Average Write Rate: 5,245 KB/s (3.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,590 KB/s (4.0x)



    I 12:39:10 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:09:30

    I 12:39:10 Average Verify Rate: 8,048 KB/s (5.8x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 11,456 KB/s (8.3x)

  10. Try cleaning the lens of the drive with a lens cleaning disc.


    Make sure that the RW disc is in good condition (no scratches or fingerprints).


    Try a new one if that was used for a long time.


    Try 2x burning speed, obviously (MAX) 4x don't work.


    Use a regular blank disc instead of RW disc.


    If nothing helps, buy a new drive.

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