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Everything posted by blutach

  1. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,17952075-1248,00.html BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. I think what they're saying db is that volume was up by about 9% but prices, on average, fell by 11% making total revenue down by a couple of %. Regards
  3. Grotesque db! Regards
  4. Here, a pie is a meat pie. Made from the shittiest, lowest quality crap you can find. Basically meat filling a pastry. A bit bigger than the size of your hand. When we go to the footy, we can't get enuff of them. No trendy pizzas for us. Give us a pie!!! Then just add chips (fat french fries but not as fat as "potato wedges"). Drown them both in tomato sauce (you'll know it as Ketchup) and eat yourself to death. Oh yeah - add a few beers while yer at it. http://www.upfromaustralia.com/4n20meatpies.html Regards
  5. =))=)) A real bellylaugh on that one MJ. Regards
  6. I used to love my C64. Still got it somewhere. Regards
  7. Happy bd db Hope it's a good one. Regards
  8. They make great XMAS, Birthday and Dad's day prezzies LFC. Regards
  9. @MJ I guess he did have a Burning Love for her. (And we come full circle). Regards
  10. blutach


    Wait till you get to my age Jack. HB again Zac Regards
  11. blutach


    I eat institutional food - I am married (or nearly so). Regards
  12. My apologies englishmen - I didn't interpret "data files" properly. Too much champers, I'm afraid. Regards
  13. ITC 0.91.6 will make an ISO from your DVD Video files. You can then double click it to bring up ImgBurn and burn it. Regards
  14. Sounds like you came from AfterDawn there volvo =)) HNY to all Regards
  15. Something wrong with ITC - www.coujo.de ??? Works for me. Regards
  16. I am an old stodge who sticks to 4x. Call me dopey. Regards
  17. It says it is at the front of the clip - doh Regards
  18. blutach

    When 2006 starts

    maybe lmao2k will need to change to lmao2006 (plus 1 second)? @db - where in god's name do you dig these up from? Regards
  19. Have a great one mate. Regards
  20. It's those bloody Ritek G05s. Very variable quality. Turf em out and go get some Taiyo Yudens or verbatims. Regards
  21. blutach

    IMG Tool classic

    You certainly got a smarter avatar zac. Hope you had a good one today. I'm off to the cricket tomorrow. Mind the ranch please LMAO. Regards
  22. blutach

    IMG Tool classic

    It does and it doesn't do the same as DVD Shrink. ITC makes an ISO using the great mkisofs engine. YThis is a rich, full featured ISO making engine, which enables very cool things like 32k buffers etc. DVD Shrink is a simplistic version which outputs a packed ISO. Smarter users will use ITC, or better still PgcEdit to make their ISOs and ImgBurn to burn them. Regards
  23. Hmmm - what LFC says is right. Corny even accused me of spilling like vovlo the ohter day. Regards
  24. blutach

    DVD IFO Editing

    To change the aspect ratio of the domain, use PgcEdit to set the domain attributes of the video. Load the ripped DVD into PgcEdit. Right click on the domain where the vid is, select domaon stream attributes and select 4:3 - note this will change all video in that domain, not just this particular PGC. Then kill playback of the second video (Ctrl-K). Ctrl-S to save. Test in software player. Easy Regards
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