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Everything posted by blutach

  1. No, there's not. There is no need to completely fill layer 0, in fact it is quite desirable not to (edge of disk vulnerability and all that). Thus, you will see a "ring" at the end of the data. Layer 1 then writes back towards the middle. The key is, does it play OK? And is there any need to bump after 1 minute??? Regards
  2. If you create your image with PgcEdit, it will create the image with the correct LB info and call IB to burn. There is no need to reset the LB and in fact doing so may result in a coaster, especially if you have "Leave 32k space between IFO and BUP" option on in PgcEdit. Regards
  3. An ISO is like a container for the VOBs, IFOs and BUPs. Kinda like the project folder all zipped up. This is one of the formats ImgBurn burns. Regards
  4. blutach

    Anyone know how

    We could debate the merits of kirk's mass PM'ing. Let's then agree to have a Mass Debate. Regards
  5. If your image is too big, you will need a disk compression program to help you. Due to the nature of this forum, I can't help on that topic. To make an image, you could use (as I do), PgcEdit or ImgTool Classic. Regards
  6. blutach

    Anyone know how

    Don't give Kirk any ideas. He might PM a song to everyone. Just kidding you Kirk. Here is another great reason why, on relection, posts should be deleted. God help us all if he reads it! Regards
  7. blutach

    Anyone know how

    Thanks Boss! Regards
  8. blutach

    Road Rage

    was that the Airbag that went off too? Expensive. Regards
  9. Corny: Your av? Spinner: You must be getting a headache mate! Regards
  10. Maybe kirk's HIS prison bitch. Looks like it could be so. Regards
  11. This is very distasteful! Regards
  12. read the link in the post above your bump dirio Regards
  13. Didn't we agree to ban this shit? Or at least throw kirk in Folsom Prison and throw the key away! Regards
  14. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...findpost&p=2371
  15. blutach


    Maybe flick was B&W to begin with. Regards
  16. =)) =))
  17. Kev for prez. Regards
  18. We never would have guessed. Regards
  19. Paddy and Mick were wandering in the forest when they came upon a sign that said Jobs! Tree Fellers wanted. Paddy turns to Mick and says, "Aw Gee, ain't it a shame Billy ain't here, we coulda applied." (lame, I know) Regards
  20. blutach

    Anyone know how

    Oh! Jonathan. Really!!! You norty norty boy. Regards
  21. You'd still get fuckwits coming along asking for it. Regards
  22. blutach

    Fly in my Coke!

    They're Firey's!! Regards
  23. blutach

    Fly in my Coke!

    I wish it was Easter!! Regards
  24. jmet!!! Guide needed!!! Regards
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