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Everything posted by LOCOENG

  1. Good to hear everything is well jmet and I know what you mean with the Websense ordeal, but at least I'm able to still surf the forums while I'm at work...even though donta's sigs are always blocked. I trust the marriage is still rock solid.
  2. I think it must have just been an oversight...all I see is SB01 for the 203N too. http://samsungodd.com/eng/
  3. 2.FA from here: http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/NEC-ND-2500A/
  4. Nice spinner....I would think it a worthy cause.
  5. All symptoms of dodgy media....I'm sure things will be looking up when you get some decent ones.
  6. If in the states.... http://www.rima.com http://www.meritline.com http://www.supermediastore.com
  7. What would you be doing on those sites spinner....looking for a bride? If you get a virus from looking at her online, just think of what you'd get if she was sitting right next to you
  8. It is, It's got a play and a stop button It's all I use if and when I play them on computer #39;( d'oh on me again.....
  9. 1. Verb 16X are very nice indeed, but if you can find Taiyo Yuden 8X they are the cats meow. 2. I store mine in a wallet/binder type of contraption.
  10. LOL...new version should be out soon that supports this feature. Just keep checking back.
  11. This guide? http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=5555
  12. Maybe you are leaping too much...try 1.21 first and then proceed in increments if needed. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2385
  13. Did you choose 1.24 for DVR-112 or DVR 112D? You have the DVDR-112 without the D.
  14. Select 1.24 yourself and see if there is a difference. http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/content/support/...t/software.html
  15. I've never used Win2000 so you will need to check each site for compatibility... Anitvirus = Avast! (free) Firewall = ZoneAlarm (free) Spyware = Superantispyware (free) coupled with Spybot, Search and Destroy (free) I'm sure you will get other recommendations, but this is what I use.
  16. Any of the drives you mentioned would be good. If you have SATA connections you might look at a Samsung 203B. Have you checked your ASPI to see that it isn't corrupt? XP doesn't need it, but if it's there and it's corrupt you can experience the problems you are seeing. If all is well in that arena, take all the advice and look for a replacement drive. http://radified.com/ASPI/forceaspi.htm
  17. Certainly is unfortunate for some of the most recommended discs aren't compatable, but that does look like the case. A good drive should support a wide variety of media, I would look for a new drive before ditching the Verbs.
  18. I think that was the point...it's called the shame game.
  19. I never have been able to draw pictures on a disc with a sharpie that looked worth a damn.... I also forgot to mention the time factor, it is rediculous.
  20. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this while I'm at work...
  21. I bought the BenQ 1655 for the LS feature as I'm a sucka for gimmicks....I've used it maybe 4-5 times. The printable discs are much better IMHO and that is what I use primarily. But some seem the like the LS discs. $5 isn't a big difference for the feature, so try it out....you don't have to use it and you aren't out a whole lot of dough.
  22. I would say I'm slow spinner, but in my defense I had a phone call or two I had to take... =)
  23. As suggested post a log for additional information. In the mean time make sure the firmware for your drive is up to date and you are using quality media from Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.
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