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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. We can even provide you with pics Timecop................
  2. Honestly MJ, I think Polo may be justified in his paranoia............. after some of the stuff Microsoft has been caught with their fingers in.........
  3. Malphas, That is exactly LUKs' intention for Imgburn. It has NOW, a far better burn characteristics then DVDD had. It will get better and better as time goes on.........
  4. Dang it........ I'm lost................
  5. Your welcome, Hope to see you back here.............
  6. Cubano39, just open imgburn, click on the first file folderjust to the right of where it says " please select a file " to find your image and bring it into imgburn. Then click the big green buttom on the bottom and your done. ( use iso made by shrink ) Imgburn, in my opinoin does a far better job of burning then anything else. The program itself is more stable with a high quality output for the finished product. Also its many features, one being able to see a scan of your finished burn to show you the quality of the actuall burn plus abilities to actually scan your blank media before a burn to see the quality of it. You can also access logs of a successful burn/failed burn and post them in this forum in order to get help if something goes kaflooey during the burn process. You also get excellent support for Imgburn through this forum, the peeps here are second to none and know their stuff when it comes to being able to answer any questions or problems that may creep up. We reccommend verbatim or taio yuden blank media as the preference for burning since these media are of a consistence high quality dye and provide for a high quality finished product. Hope this helps you, and welcome to the forum.
  7. Not to mention a couple of black eyes.............. . How you doing Jill?
  8. Oh hell, here we go again.................. Jmets home pics..........
  9. Aaawwww.......... preparing for the feast.........
  10. Shit, hate to see what db did with Pandoras Box.......................
  11. Shit lfc, whats on your agenda now that your a RETIRED beta tester................
  12. Geeez........ that pic gives a whole new meaning to the word CLEAVAGE.........
  13. NOW there would be a kodak moment................ :&
  14. kevdriver

    A Riddle

    WTF......... is Mik stealing Milk again?........
  15. #39;( #39;( #39;( :& ooooohhhhhhhh the emotional strain LUK must be going though.........
  16. LoL guys.............. but it's true eh!. LUK, Your program is tops man........ don't let anyone tell you different. This forum is also top notch both for help and knowledge! & MJ, car got a short man, I know a good electrical contractor.............
  17. Hey Corny, how you been? going senile or just plain stupid........... LoL........ This is going to bug me the whole night now............ maybe a drink would help............
  18. Yeah that might have been it LUK, it was back in DDSF days, I've done so many things with this puter since then probabley don't even have the app any more........ damn I hate it when I can't remember.....
  19. MJ. I might be wrong LOL, but I ssem to remember a post back in DDSF days along this lines and there was a program that could check out your files for you............ damned if I can remember the name. I'll search through my puter for you and let you know.......
  20. Ffs, it's a skirt combined with some hot high heels and I love the way he dresses! OK..............
  21. Well said MJ.........
  22. Cool............. I don't know if that is the right answer or not MJ......... Sounds like it could be though. I'll check to see if anyone else who received this got an answer for it.........
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