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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. kevdriver

    BenQ 1650/5

    Oh No.......... Cornys not corny any more................. now he's Cornese...
  2. New version will install over old. Will even ask if you want to keep old version settings.
  3. Will the real Jmet please curtsey...........
  4. There was a bug in the last version but LUK has taken of it with this new version, so the problem should no longer creep up.
  5. #39;(
  6. All bow to the Sub Genius................. Minister Spinner LoL.
  7. J'Met was probabley referring to the memory problem in the previous release which has been fixed now.
  8. jeffshead, Verbatim are a good choice as well. Excellent dye formation and lastability.
  9. monteca820ce, One final atempt here............... LoL. Don't know if this will work for you, but..... Unplug the IDE from your burner, restart the comp, go into your system devices and delete your burner drive. Shutdown comp and replug IDE back into burner, restart again and let windows refind it. This might just work for you. Good Luck mate... .
  10. willo65, I think there might be a firmware update for your machine : http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2244 This updates can sometimes solve issues as well. Be carefull that this upgrade is for your precise machine.
  11. lilchubz. If you mean erase the information on the already burn't DVD+R you cant unless it's a DVD+RW. I hope I got what you mean right..................
  12. jaymac, As a rule of thumb always use +r's with DL media.
  13. kevdriver

    E mails

    Great one as well db, See what you mean by opening in separate window, . Finally got out though........
  14. kevdriver

    E mails

    Good one Polo................
  15. Thanks very much LUK. Another top notch upgrade as expected. WOO HOO !!
  16. Yea PM, Cheech and Chong.................... and I wonder why I now find it hard to concentrate.........
  17. Up in smoke again eh db...........................
  18. XrX ca, I can't claim to know all the inside poop with Macrovision and The Boss, but I think the main jest is that Macrovision doesn't want LUK to have his fingers into anything program that can read . Burning to a disc is alright, reading from a disc is a no no. . This is way we're so careful about what questions we can answer and not answer. No repeat plays of a year ago....... #39;( .
  19. ........The old forum........ #39;( #39;( #39;(
  20. smd, The movie(s) may be good as in they can be viewed on some DVD/VCR combos as well as your computer but you may have used a cheaper brand of blank media containing inferior dye or maybe its just that the particular brand of DVD/VCR combo your not being able to view the movie on just doesn't like the blank format ... -r... +r . or the standalone just doesn't like the brand of blank media all togeather.
  21. Not on DL's either? Don't honestly know 100% Grain. My two Pionneer drives don't support booktyping. I just assumed that burning to a DL disc the pionneers auto booktyped to DVD-ROM. I really gotta do more research on this. Am goinng to look at the newest Pionneer drives as well as the benq and NEC, it would be nice to be able to set the book type.
  22. canadian bacon, not all drives are bookable.If your drive isn't listed then chances are it doesn't support book typing. I use Pionneer drives and cannot use book typing on them. . Good Luck Glad we could help you out.
  23. Welcome back Pain man..................
  24. canadian bacon, when you open Imgburn, look at the lower right hand side side just rightof the speed setting. You will see a icon which looks like an open BOOK, thats where you can set the book type
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