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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Billy, Welcome to the forum. This problem with shutdown has been fixed for the next version release. The new version will be out just as soon as LUK and the Beta Team are absolutely sure its working top notch and all the bugs from the current version are solved. Please have patience, the new version will be worth the wait, I'm sure...............
  2. Groundrush, were you fooling around with fdisk again.......................
  3. #39;( #39;( db, you alright mate..... your scaring me............. .
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUK.......All the best man.......... Hope you have a great time whatever you're up to.
  5. The Green Death....... A Robotic Chicken Fart............ :& :&
  6. starblazer, is it possible you can post a log of the failed burn. This looks like it could be a media problem, but the log would help everyone assess the problem more fully.
  7. kevdriver


    Happy Birthday Spinner..... All the best to you mate.............. errr oh yea......... your not getting older.... just better.
  8. Robak, sorry man but the way you wrote that was hillarious.......... Try nail polish remover on your face, might help take off the ink.............. will leave your face a bit red for a couple of days but thats gotta be better then explaining to co-workers you had a fight with a ink refiller and lost.......................... #39;( #39;(
  9. kevdriver

    G5 MYM

    OHHHHHH Now thats Corny lfc...................
  11. Sorry Flawless, guess you wern't around when Jmet posted some errrr pics of himself.............. . They were quite hillarious.
  12. Jmets on the other forum Flawless.....
  13. Hi Here, Welcome to the forum. NO, NOT EVER. Imgburn will remain a image write program only. It will never be able to read just write. In saying this though, it is the best write program out there ............
  14. kevdriver

    G5 MYM

    CONGRATS MYM. All The Best in your future man!!!
  15. I can see why your wires are getting frayed MJ...... Another Bush Blunder....?
  16. Yes Killjoy, and again and again and again, until LUK and the beta team are satisfied that any problems have been fixed and any new options are working correctly. This is the reason for this arthor's reputation for putting out top quality programs. Lets all stop the whining and give them a break so they can finish up and get the new version released.
  17. Maybe we should get PA over here...........
  18. Milko, just as soon as the next release has been throughly tested it will be released. The problem your mentioning has been fixed for this new release version. Just have patience my friend...........
  19. What the hell eh............... whats a spot of oil among friends............
  20. #39;( #39;(
  21. OOPS! Didn't know a size 12 Nike could taste so bad................. i
  22. Got a permanent shiver there Spinner..........
  23. Always good to post a log, that way at least if I can't find a answer for you one of the more experienced members most likely will be able to.
  24. Is imgburn formatting this disc before starting the burn? It should be. Also after the burning of the image is done, is imgburn closing or syncronizing the image? You can always check off verify burn so that imgburn will check the image after its completed its cycle. If you could send us a log of the failed burn next time it might show us whats going on.
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