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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. IMGBurner, I think this can be accomplished using DVDD using ISO read, then ISO write.
  2. #39;( #39;( What have I done........ :&
  3. Aww Fixer, keep that ava of yours shaking in my face and somethings gonna be smokin' for sure... Ya gotta post more man, get rid of that newbie title..... LoL you of all people a newbie.....
  4. Hey KSN, welcome back man, missed that feline ava of yours. IMG and DVDD can coincide togeather great. I'm using DVDD first and then moving the files into IMG to see how the burning engine has improved. Also PgcEdit newest version 0.6.1 is compatible with IMG . People will just have to do some experimenting with the proggie to find out just how good it is as a burning engine. Good to see you again.......
  5. Kirk, Kirk, Kirk,, first country and western music, now Jane Fonda workout tapes, Whats the matter mate, need to get out more? Maybe Jmet will take you for a ride in that sweet smelling truck of his......
  6. r0lz, thanks for the update man, will be handy to have it work with IMG.... now to read the guides LoL
  7. Happy you like it, don't forget to donate if at all possible, so this burn engine can be improved even more.
  8. gust0208, Polo is probably right, any current program that calls for DVDD to burn does just that, that particular program will not be looking for IMG. One thing you could do is after using a particular program, just move the ISO files into IMG and burn away.
  9. Now that the program has been officially released, maybe a donation to LUK to Thank him and help him develop it more might be in line.
  10. Woo Hoo Woo Hoo.......
  11. kevdriver

    Ban Kirk?

    oops, sorry db, that photo....... . I must keep abreast of these things....
  12. kevdriver

    Ban Kirk?

    OK, db, what personal photo, where............ I bloody looked all over and can't find it..... #39;( #39;(
  13. Spinner, your missing some very informative posts during your absense bud....
  14. kevdriver

    Ban Kirk?

    lfc, Kirk might like Jmets ass, after all Kirks a cowboy Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places..........
  15. Thanks Maritimer
  16. Welcome to the forum Ron, Yes it's good to see LUK around again. We're all anxious to see this new burning program. This is not a new decryption program but just a proggie to burn onto blank media. Coming from LUK, it will no doubt be top quality.
  17. Jack, of course I wanted to ask about you.......... just didn't want to disturb you playing with your thingy there...............
  18. Getting kinda lonely here, where is everybody...... #39;( #39;( . Corny, Daniel, Snazz, Dontaskciime, Volvo, Fixer, anyone........... Blu I know is busy elsewhere, Spinner I have no idea where he's at, Maritimer ?????
  19. C'mon Jack, we're just arsing around man................
  20. All I can say Johnathan is that your ass isn't all its cracked up to be.........
  21. KIRK YOU ARE BANNED................ @#$%^&$#@**&^%@#$% music.......
  22. kevdriver

    Thanks lfc

    Could be a rip in the time space continuim..........
  23. Kirk, between your music and your sig., I think your doing a good job man, aggrevaiting Blu............ LoL
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