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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Maybe Time-Warner will do better. I've not switched over to RoadRunner yet, but, it sounds like I'll have to. I'm worried most about losing my Usenet bandwidth, though.
  2. Question about seamless layer breaks. How exactly do they work? The layer break has to be present in there, I'm guessing for it to work. That if you IFOEdit the IFO, you'll still find the layer break listed in there. But, how does the player simply not pause at it like before?
  3. The current accepted theory on why yawning is contagious is a psycho-social one. It was observed among dog packs that, in general, one accepted time of evening, on average, was when every member would go to sleep. So, to insure that everyone went to sleep at roughly the same time and each member would be refreshed all at the same time upon morning, the contagious yawning naturally evolved. The first one to get sleepy would yawn and spur on others to do it, eventually all of them becoming sleepy and go to bed at roughly the same time.
  4. I jokingly said it was a hauntingly similar case to the Russian Polonium 210 poisoning.
  5. Let's see. 2 cents converted into GBP DVD+RW pence, that's 2.4 cents.
  6. I wish that elf would keep its sex life to itself, too!
  7. Braggart! Keep your sex life to yourself!
  8. OMG! Just looking at made me OMG! again! Looking at my reply immediately after it posted made me again!
  9. About adjusting the virtual memory. What was, supposedly, the amount of RAM you can have where they say you can turn off virtual memory, for the most part? Or make a really small file. I forget, but, there's a supposed listed amount of RAM where if you have you, you can effectively disable virtual memory. Because, if you have 4 GB, who wants to create a 6 GB swapfile if they can avoid it. For instance, back when I had just the 1 GB, my VM file was 3 GB.
  10. Hmmm, if that was the total listed RAM, i.e. the value that appears in the About thing tab when you right click on My Computer, i.e. where you find the System Restore, Hardware, etc. tabs, then, the use of gibibytes versus gigabytes wouldn't be the case here. If that's a remaining RAM value, i.e. from a MEM result, then, it's because of the results of whatever hardware has seized a chunk of system memory for its own use.
  11. Because people think it's called Images Hack instead of Image Shack.
  12. Now they are saying it wasn't a stroke, heart attack, or anything directly related to the cardiovascular system. Only indirectly. Apparently, Senator Tim Johnson had a congenital birth defect that resulted in abnormally enlarged arteries in his brain. He had bleeding on the brain, basically. And, blood is fatal to the brain, believe it or not. Blood does not directly come into contact with the brain for this reason due to the blood-brain barrier. Nutrients, etc. diffuse, I guess. I'm not an encephalo-expert. Anyway, he has successfully undergone brain surgery, but, was last listed in critical condition. However, it is stable but critical, so, good news where one can find it for his family and friends, right?
  13. It's probably not the free disc space. Those listings for DVD burning are the maximum, worst case scenario. Meaning, if you were making a full DVD+R DL, what it would first do, maybe, is copy all ~9 GB of the target discs's data to the program's temporary directory. Then, it would create the image from those files, effectively, doubling the space to, roughly, ~18 GB, 2 x 9. And, if you didn't have the required free space in a case like this, the burner application wouldn't functioning. Meaning, it would tell you it can't operate due to lack of necessary free space. Unless it's terribly written, which is typical HP.
  14. I never could understand the fascination for slapping balls around with sticks to prevent them knocking over other smaller sticks just for a bowl of some ashes.
  15. I've a feeling we'll still be milking this topic for all the puns we can from it, though.
  16. Death to HP! I had my experiences with the ancient 100I, when they offered +RW burning available as a firmware upgrade... then conveniently removed all reference to it from their site. And, admitted the 100i never could burn +RW because of its hardware. So, they had to offer replacement drives... but still stuck it to the consumer by including utilities that people could NOT choose not to get. Which meant charging the customer $99 to line their pockets, er, for the "licensing" of the software included.
  17. Well, MY ISP SAYS they offer X storage and you have to e-mail tech support to set that account up for you. Adelphia never returns my e-mails.
  18. Probably, he just typoed and forgot an "other" in there. Should have read: It will never show the full 4Gig on any OTHER system. Or rather, to be fully clear: It will never show the full 4Gig on any other version of Windows.
  19. Yeah, I just put in 2 GB and supplemented that with 512 MB of my old RAM to bring it up to 2.5 GB, and Windows sees it fine. I've not checked beyond that yet, but, the speed difference in running things is already visible. Also, did you see my e-mail on 4 GB? I discovered this in my system's notes file about 4 GB of RAM: Note: Your computer supports a maximum of 4 GB of physical memory using four 1-GB DIMMs. Current operating systems such as Microsoft? Windows? XP support a 4 GB address space; however, the amount of memory available to the operating system is less than 4 GB. Certain components within the computer require address space in the 4 GB range. Any address space reserved for these components is not available for general operating system use. The operating system will reflect these reservations in the total displayed in various system utilities. So, that one statement about reserved PCI bus memory is probably the culprit. Remember my past e-mail on the subject when I said if this was the days of DOS, I'd have blamed it on a chunk of memory physically reserved for video cards. Or was it monochrome? Anyway, that's what I'd lay it down to. Some reserved chunk of memory for a hardware interface. Probably to make sure nothing else tries to use any space there if it's free. Thus, keeping the reserved chunk of contiguous memory free, making it faster to access. And, whatever this is may require as fast as possible to avoid fatal slow down and buffer overflow, like we're used to seeing in the old days of CD and DVD burning.
  20. Wow... just wow... In the United States, the offices of power were about to undergo a regime change, the Democratic party was going to get a 1 vote lead over the Republican party. Not so fast there, Mr. Donkey! I forget his name, and I am not sure of where he's from, but a Senator from South Dakota, I think, today suffered a stroke. Now, according to the constitution of where he's from, the governor selects the successor for a Senator should that position be vacated in term. The Governor of this state in question is Republican. So, he's not going to necessarily pick the most qualified candidate, right? He's going to stick party, buy Bronx. So, an incredible stroke of "luck" may still yet decide our most recent elections? This should be interesting to see! I believe something similar happened in the early 1970's, where the ailing Senator never resigned but also never set foot on the Senate floor for like 5 years. But, because he never resigned due to his illness, his seat was left in his possession, and, thus, in the party's. Now, of course, I do not want to gloss over the health of this man, and, as I said, I apologize for forgetting his name. But, first and foremost, his health and his life is paramount. Still, it is quite a serious issue outside of that, what the fate of his seat will be. Because his life, death, or ill health could change the outcome of a system of government rule for the next cycle. Regardless, the next few months should prove "fun" over all of this...
  21. Have a holly, jolly Christmas! It's the best time of the year! He was also a pretty good actor, too, and the inspiration for Ren And Stimpy's Stinky Wizzleteats. (All the spoken lines between verses of Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! are either lines from Burl Ives songs or from the movie The Big Country that Ives was in, with Gregory Peck and Chuck Connors.)
  22. Why's it so hot in here? What's that smell?
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