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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Oh for F@cks sake !!!! ITS A GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. lfcrule1972


    Watt the hell are you guys on about ? I thought we were trying to hold an intelligent current debates topic ? Amp I the only one who thinks like this ?
  3. I think he may have amalgamated the posts here rather than the various ones that MJ started for each picture initially..........
  4. Above is my first 99% quality burn from a while ago, now I get these all the time with TYG02's burnt at 8x on the BenQ.....
  5. Back to topic for a min - has anyone got any pics of the snow storm they are gonna post ?
  6. Mmm I think the link below is for your drive - if it is you could update your firmware as it looks like a couple of revisions have been made and it could fix the problem. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1757 To double check open ImgBurn and where your drive is highlighted, right click and select "Firmware Updates" from the drop down menu - that should take you to the correct page at www.rpc1.org Finally, I use to use Ritek G05 dye but it started to get real unreliable so I switched to Taiyo Yuden TYG02 discs instead and have not had any bother since....
  7. lfcrule1972

    My ave

    Fair enough if you have actually been banned, in my time knowing LUK! I think that has happened to only a handful of so its not exactly commonplace. Not sure what you're trying to say kirk..... ?
  8. I imagine it caused too much offence and he was asked to take it down lol !!!
  9. lfcrule1972


    Yep - bill has blown the fuse as far as I am concerned too...
  10. The 95.89% quality burn looks reasonable, ok its not 99% like the TYG02's but I am sure that would play ok.... The 49.69% one is pants though..... strange that Princo got that high a score
  11. Kirk is so going to be in the new series of Nip Tuck now !!
  12. Nah I think you cornered the market on those db...
  13. From the news this am it appears that he will receive an "official warning" whatever that means as he was missing a "gaming stamp" from his gun licence....
  14. So is Wide Bay in your neighbourhood Shamus ?
  15. lfcrule1972


    I don't want to screw you down on this but would you go at me with a bayonet fitting ? Hopefully your reply will be a gas !!
  16. lfcrule1972


    Ohm my god ! Watt are you like MJ ? You can just turn it on like a switch eh ?? You really are a bright one !!! Ha ha
  17. I think kirk was talking about length polo !!
  18. Apparently he likes to let his (corn) niblets hang out !!
  19. lfcrule1972


    Was kirk the one to post completely off topic ?
  20. lfcrule1972


    Is this a light bulb related forum now ?
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