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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. lfcrule1972

    Lazy Leno

  2. You are but I would be surprised if you really want to see it........ http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...findpost&p=6284
  3. Can you post a copy of the failed log from ImgBurn ? Is that the exact error message as well ?
  4. :& Thank god we don't have to look at him modelling the "string brief" that he bought as well !!!
  5. I am lucky in that the flashes for the NEC are always very easy - have seen others talk of more complicated ones and like you they would make me think twice ! The master/slave thing won't hurt to give it a try, you can check that all the cables are ok and inserted at the same time. The post on cdfreaks which boasted the 16x speed - don't suppose it had the forum members details attached ? Just thinking you could send him a PM and see if he can help at all - maybe confirm if he tweaked anything or was using certain firmware ?
  6. You still are !!
  7. Its like magic.....
  8. lfcrule1972

    Freshen Up!

    Honestly I have never heard of him until I followed your link - is he related to Art Garfunkel by any chance ? Looks like a nice butch guy too !!!
  9. anyone know how long a piece of string is ??
  10. Well done grampaw ! @volvo - missed you being around mate - you still make me laugh !!
  11. I definitely don't have a big wallet but after my old faves Ritek let me down I switched to TYG02's and wished I had done it ages ago ! The way I look at it is that I want these burns to last and why risk them on crappy dye ? My PS2 and all our players (inc the portable one) love the TY's !
  12. lfcrule1972

    Freshen Up!

    Richard Simmons ??
  13. CMC MAG - it really is as shit as its reputation......
  14. Sony+XCP = BIG FUCK UP !!!!
  15. lfcrule1972

    Lazy Leno

    Its like the polo and db show in here !!
  16. Mmm - well the most likely suggestion is as per chewy's post - I used to be worried about firmware flashes when I started out with this lark but am now happily changing them to suit my needs - either stock firmware or hacked versions.... Did the piece on cdfreaks not mention whether people had flashed successfully ? As for the ripping program - I would leave it as defaults unless you get 100% reliable advice otherwise, these have always worked best for me Finally - on my PC I always have the newest drive as the master and then the secondary drive as the slave, makes sense as that is what I use most. Maybe you should swap them over and see if it makes any difference. I looked back at some recent reads with the NEC 4550, altho this claims it can read at 16x, the fastes read was just over 12x on a non protected DVD.... I seem to get max speeds of 11-12x. Is it really important to you that 16x reads are achieved ? @polo - Too funny.....
  17. Shamus !!!!!! :happybday:
  18. Surprises = shit !!!
  19. What about me ???
  20. 10.8x isn't that bad - I don't know much about the Sony drives, I have always had NEC ones - however the first one I had was riplocked to stop it reading too fast. I d/l modded firmware from Herries site and then it got faster ! I may have done that with the NEC2510 as well altho I can't remember. Try a firmware update - you can use ImgBurn to look for a new one for you at www.rpc1.org. Look in my sig for a link on how to update your firmware if your not sure...... I would say from the read speed that your getting DMA is not an issue, and I would think your cables are all ok as well.....
  21. lfcrule1972


    Bloody hell that would be scary !!
  22. Don't know mate - I would have hoped that those who were around at the DVDD forum would know why any "read" mode is probably not a good idea......
  23. Does it ?? I didn't see that
  24. Oh look Jack - blu is waving back......
  25. <cough> PM <cough>
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