Mmm - well the most likely suggestion is as per chewy's post - I used to be worried about firmware flashes when I started out with this lark but am now happily changing them to suit my needs - either stock firmware or hacked versions.... Did the piece on cdfreaks not mention whether people had flashed successfully ?
As for the ripping program - I would leave it as defaults unless you get 100% reliable advice otherwise, these have always worked best for me
Finally - on my PC I always have the newest drive as the master and then the secondary drive as the slave, makes sense as that is what I use most. Maybe you should swap them over and see if it makes any difference.
I looked back at some recent reads with the NEC 4550, altho this claims it can read at 16x, the fastes read was just over 12x on a non protected DVD.... I seem to get max speeds of 11-12x. Is it really important to you that 16x reads are achieved ?
@polo - Too funny.....