Hi Kev - I wish I could wax as lyrical as the guys above, it was much simpler for me. IE6 started randomly crashing when viewing pages, I did virus check after check with different progs and found nothing.
I tried the MS support pages and found similar problems but nothing to fix the problem. I mailed MS and was told that to fix their browser I would have to pay !!!
So a while back I asked on the DVDD forum for advice and lmao2k put me onto Firefox and I have never looked back. Its miles better and nicer to use than IE6, I like the tabbed browsing, much tidier than lots of seperate instances of IE being open, it blocks pop ups and you can get new themes etc easily from the homepage.
I still have IE6 installed for the updates for the PC but thats all I use it for now !
Give it a go mate......