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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Ha ha I had forgotten that db !!! She was rough tho..... I was waiting for her to do the ping pong ball trick on live tv - that might have made her more popular !! ha ha
  2. I don't understand this - if you have a family DVD on disc already you can copy it to another one any number of ways - why make ImgBurn into something its not ?
  3. Yep thats a typical English summer as well !
  4. So its no longer "the walls have ears", its now "the corn(y) has ears" How corny is that ???
  5. Its not a secret zacoz - Shamus posted his confession (of sorts ) here: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=215
  6. Shit.......
  7. I used to recommend the G05's as they had always worked great for me, however out of the last 100 I ordered I had 25 straight fails then a couple of good ones and then back to crap. This was also confirmed by a couple of others here. Since then I have been using the more expensive but definitely better Taiyo Yuden dye 8x DVD-R. Not a bad burn or failed verify so far.....
  8. Call me psychic but the spirits are telling me that drive is crap !!
  9. Just curious - have you tried burning a DL with this drive ? It may be that your standalone players would play the disc back anyway.....
  10. Thanks guys........
  11. I think the REAL point here is that Shamus is blatantly trying to focus our attention away from the practice of Mouse Necrophilia that he encourages in his own home
  12. I can see kirk now !!! ha ha
  13. Fair enough......
  14. Mmmm weird shit and no mistake
  15. Sorry - never tried to make a VCD, someone might be able to advise you from here tho. Out of curiousity can I ask why you don't give DVD's a whirl ? A lot less hassle and the burners are quite cheap nowadays - approx ?30 here in England and probably cheaper in the US.....
  16. I agree with polo - unless you need to use pgcedit I would rip with the aforementioned program in file mode, then open the folder containing the files with DVD Shrink and let it create the ISO for you. Then burn the ISO with ImgBurn.....
  17. Congrats zacoz - you have a long way to go to get near my "uselessness" tho
  18. Don't know but blu's had her......
  19. Just caught up with this - glad your ok polo !!!
  20. Call me bubbles !!! Everybody does !!! That made me laugh out loud jack - I hear there are a lot more embarrassing explanations to come as well !
  21. OMG !!! Will have to look from home after the kids and the wombat is in bed and BEFORE the celery !!
  22. He has been shaking it alright spinner but I don't think it was the bottle he had in his hand at the time !!!
  23. I bet Kev wishes that oil was as cheap as UK ink for the Epson !!! ha ha I still can't believe that I can always get 6 carts for ?7.71 and most of the time its buy one get one free as well so thats 12 for ?7.71. Are you shipping them from England then Grain ? PM me mate.....
  24. lfcrule1972

    DL Media Tests

    Actually if you ever saw the pic that kev posted it was more of a "lake" of oil than just a "spot" !!!
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