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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. I would almost bet my mortgage on it being the RICOH dye on those discs, I have used some myself and they were very poor whereas I have never had a bad burn with Verbatim DVD+R DLs which is why we only recommend the latter. Thing is with lower class media some might burn ok but most will not and will give you these problems you are seeing, as you can see your drive is unable to write to the second layer of these discs. My advice is to give Verbatims DVD+R DLs a go
  2. The error message is not showing up for me - can you instead post the ImgBurn log as this will tell us a lot of info that we need. If I had to guess I would say that you are not using Verbatim DVD+R DL discs, these are the only ones we recommend for Dual Layer burns at the moment. However, to be sure we need to see the log. You can view the logs via Imgburn using the drop down menus at the top of the GUI. Just copy paste the last one with errors here and we will take a look.
  3. Damn not another forum person abducted by
  4. No I have never seen that error - can you give us some more info, what were you doing at the time and please post a copy of the ImgBurn log
  5. Yeah what donta said - the Pioneer drive should be fine with decent media
  6. Shit spots ? You want to stop so damn hard donta !!!
  7. Did you take a look at the US e-bay deal ?
  8. I think it's the postage deal with Michael that settles this for us in Europe kirk
  9. You can talk MJ - I saw you snuggling up with Nero last night
  10. Sounds like you were lucky to get 1 decent burn from them - personally I think they are Verb DVD+R DL are the only way to go !
  11. Well If the goods are less than ?18 in value you wouldn't have any bother. Perhaps you could mail Michael and see if he agrees I only ordered 20 this time around and the value was under the ?18 threshold so mine won't interest customs
  12. I have been struggling to get Verbatim DVD+R DL discs in England for a while as there appears to be a world shortage. lmao2k put me onto this chap on US ebay who has them very reasonably priced and so I ordered some yesterday. With the exchange rate and postage and packing I am paying ?28ish for 20 discs which seems a good deal to me. Anyway the chap who owns the shop is called Michael and his ebay shop can be found at : http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Netsoft-Media-Company http://www.netsoftmedia.com/ He has also offered a $2 discount on the international shipping rates for ImgBurn people, you can get this discount by using the discount box during checkout at eBay to enter "imgburn.com discount" (something to that affect) in the notes section. As the discs are already a very good price I think this is a good offer !! If you wish to use Paypal to pay for your discs you will need to contact him first to get his agreement.
  13. Bugger - sorry boss....... I will break out the new sticks of celery and beat myself with them immediately.....
  14. I agree him until he confesses.........
  15. I remember the black cd's for the PS1 but never got hold of any to attempt a burn to.
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