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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. You should really post these in the Quick Jokes section lisa rather than a new topic for each one - it makes them easier to find ! zacoz has given you the link above
  2. I have really enjoyed Torchwood, nice mix of stories and small glimpses into the lifes of the characters - is there going to be a second series digi ? Also, the DVD recorder is on standby for the Dr Who - Runaway Bride episode
  3. and the only DVD+R DL discs worth getting are Verbatim ones - anything else and you are wasting your money.
  4. That 404 error can be if you put to many full stops in a line or other symbols on in your posts
  5. Honestly 99.9%* of such errors are the media, but please post a log so we can try and help you. (* Please note that 99% of statistics are made up )
  6. You two are sick It's purely unintentional that the mini HDD camcorder is small enough to use for covert recording !!
  7. Cheers Donta - can't really go wrong at that price eh ?
  8. Yeah Panasonic don't give you any blank discs to play with - luckily I already had DVD-RW's to use but a RAM disc especially as they badge them for sale would have been nice !
  9. Cheers mate - is the advantage of the ones in the cartridges that they don't get fingerprints all over them ? I see there are double sided ones as well......
  10. Morning ! I have just bought a DVD recorder for use with the tv that records to all formats including DVD-RAM. When I read the instructions last night it says that use of DVD-RAM is most recommended to take advantage of the advanced features and 1 sec quick touch recording. At the moment I am using DVD-RW and the results are ok but am happy to look at RAM discs as well. So my question is does anyone have any experience in RAM discs and in particular are any of these available at SVP below, any good ? By the way it appears that the recorder can handle the discs that are in the cartridges as well In which case the Panasonic ones might be the preferred choice. http://svp.co.uk/products-list.php?bid=0&cid=80 I am used to looking for quality discs in the DVD?RW market but not sure about these.... Thanks
  11. No worries - I would just add to the opinions above that it's the discs rather than your burner giving you grief !
  12. The one in the green is not very subtle, I always find mirrored toe caps are best for looking up skirts, far less obtrusive
  13. I thought that ImgBurn issues the command only when you set it via the book icon on the GUI ? I might be wrong but I don't think it's something that the bosses program does (or should do) without the users instruction...... I would have thought that maybe there is a hacked firmware or program to defeat this out there somewhere, I recall another drive like this (one that blu has) maybe an LG (?) and there is a program that works round it.
  14. I was actually referring to the US selling NTSC/PAL compatible equipment at long last but I can see why Ken thought I was referring to spinner
  15. Sounds like the drive is about to then...... Maybe you could ask for a BenQ/NEC/Pioneer etc for Xmas this year ?
  16. Yeah will do - I spent 45 mins last night trying to plug in all the cables and wires from the new tv, Sky+, tv, PS2 and Sky eye - honestly I have never seen so many wires ! Then I read the DVD recorder manual - the basic stuff is a piece of piss but it can be quite flash if the operator is up to it ! I had a cunning plan to label all the leads with the name of the socket they came out of - however Mrs lfcrule had helpfully unplugged them all and moved the old tv and dvd player into the other room before I got home I did read that you need to close the first layer before you can record to the second when using DVD-R DL, not sure how that would work if your recording a film etc but I will give it a go over Xmas and let you know what happens.
  17. Mmm haven't got either of those - YET !!!!
  18. Thanks for letting us know you are fixed for burning now
  19. She offered to shove the eggnog up my arse the other night when I was the footie !!
  20. Give it a go and come back and let us know how you got on
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