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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. I wouldn't expect much from the RICOH DL discs - sorry ! I have tried them on my NEC and my BenQ and neither like them v.much....
  2. Well advertising that you are downloading movies isn't the smartest thing
  3. You are having problems burning an image as I see it not backing up your movies (which we can't help you with!). Therefore first thing I would do is disable anydvd as per the ImgBurn warning in your log..... But, it's your call......
  4. Yeah he is giving me the arse already !!
  5. You can do that in a crowded meeting room too - Just start yawning really big and before long you will have loads of people doing it.....
  6. As long as it does what I want I don't mind !!
  7. I was looking for a classy pirate pic earlier and all I found was this one.... Not really appropriate but it made me laugh !!
  8. I think the AVG free version has been recommended here before, personally I use ZoneAlarm Pro, that has picked up some minor concerns over the past few weeks but ImgBurn still works fine here If AOL Safety Virus Spyware is only looking for "spyware" you are not going to get all the nasties out there anyway.
  9. What's wrong with www.imageshack.us ? I use that for my avs and most of the pics I post !
  10. I have owned several NEC drives and have used them to burn DL layer discs, in all cases I have not seen the same problem as you are having, either with DVDD or ImgBurn.
  11. Me either db bores me silly....
  12. I think your problem is due to the copy protection rather than the drive.....
  13. Also if you post a copy of the log from your burns with these discs we can help you determine if the media you are using is shit. If you don't have a log to hand then pop the disc in your drive, open ImgBurn and copy all the information (need to scroll down) from the window on the right and then post it up here Poor quality playback can also be a sign of shitty media like CMC MAG dye.
  14. http://joshualowry.vox.com/library/audio/6...2ab8c18e1d.html and another one.....
  15. Was sent this link at work but can't view it from here - apparently it's good but judging by the fact it's been filtered you may need to be careful where you watch it !! http://gorillamask.net/sesamestreets.shtml
  16. My 5 year old struggles with GT3 and GT4 but loves Burnout Revenge...... mad crasher that he is !!
  17. lfcrule1972


    I get confused with the US versions are they not Hurricanes ? In fact I am not sure what the difference is. I do recall a summer holiday one year when playing in freshly cut corn field. We all sat and watched a mini tornado twist around the field lifting the leftover crops for a minute or so.
  18. lfcrule1972


    The Tornado was popular on the news cos they are quite rare here altho Birmingham saw quite a big one a few years back and you get the occasional news reports on them. Most like this one last less than a minute, blow really hard, take your house and your possesions and then disappear again..... A bit like a marriage really !!
  19. Lightning UK! What a guy !!
  20. My vote is for crap media too !! Anyone else ? Of course a log would settle the media debate.....
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