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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. Just for clarity can you please put the disc back in the drive, open ImgBurn and copy paste all the info that appears in the window on the right ? Not the log, the disc/drive information that is in the top right window. Also which setting did you use on the Book type tab to change that drive ?
  2. No worries and rest assured if the boss thought it was a worthwhile addition he would do it no matter what us idiots thought !
  3. lfcrule1972


    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Now that is the funniest thing I have seen all day
  4. You definitely do not have a DVD burner as polo said above they aren't expensive if you fancy upgrading
  5. Shit forgot to say - DL media other than Verbatims is at best patchy and in most cases crap !
  6. Mmm I don't think Shrink can make Dual layer files correctly - if you're burning to Dual Layer media (recommend Verbatim DataLife Plus) then once you have the the files just head on over to the Guides Section and follow the Guide to burning a DL disc using ImgBurn You won't need DVD Shrink for this.........
  7. I don't like to talk about football anymore PM Seriously their form is all over the place, good at home, shite away altho arguably we have now played our toughest away games of the season now. Champions League tonight (against top teams from other European countries) and that has been ok so far this year with Liverpool already qualified for the knock out stages.
  8. Mmm several things: 1. That media is crap I am afraid, just about the worst that is commonly available. Try an buy either Verbatim discs with a media ID of MCC or Taiyo Yudens with (TYG02 or TYG03). Any decent online retailer should list the media ID or supply it if asked. Yours is Disc ID: CMC MAG. AM3 and that could be the root of your problems. 2. You say it tried to burn at less than 1x as you can see the supported write speeds above are (Speeds: 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x), therefore I would guess that you are having problems with DMA. Read the FAQ here - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=967 and follow it to the letter. If you do this I think you should see an improvement in your burn speeds. 3. You may need a Firmware update, open ImgBurn and then right click on your drive description in the GUI, from the dropdown list select "Check for Firmware Update" and see if there is a newer firmware at www.rpc1.org. Don't forget to change those discs tho !!
  9. If BurnProof is still enabled in ImgBurn (it is by default) you shouldn't have any problems with your burnt disc. What drive are you using ? The reason I ask is that my BenQ DW1655 flashes whilst burning but the LED is solid in standby.....
  10. You might be able to, either check out www.cdfreaks.com or try a Google search
  11. I don't think it would work here either Shamus..... I just read the piece polo posted about proposed changes to Australian Copyright laws as well
  12. In my less than technical opinion PM your drive is struggling with that disc. It is encountering read errors starting at Sector 2457632..... I don't suppose there is any dust or blotches visible on the back of the disc ? You might be able to watch it in a standalone player as we know they are less picky and better able to handle errors than your PC drive.
  13. lfcrule1972


    The law is an Ass ! And now on a less serious note and one liable to get me Isn't that what 99% of Australians were 200+ years ago anyway ??
  14. We really can't offer anymore help than that !! Oh and it's ImgBurn not ImageBurn
  15. What size is the slideshow ? As long as it's less than the a CD-R or CD-RW you should be fine. Have you burnt to disc before ?
  16. It does really seem like a minority request to me
  17. As Ken said the Rom bit allows some fussier/older players to playback your backups with no problems. In my experience the newer players don't struggle with either DVD+R or DVD-R as long as you use quality media. I agree with Ken, check some of the oldest backups you made either by playing them or with ImgBurn. You can also download and use DVDinfoPro to check for errors on a burnt disc. Some of my first burns were on Ritek G04 dye (A Grade Media at the time) and these still play despite being 3 years old..... As for my current media (Taiyo Yuden TYG02/TYG03 & Verbatim MCC) so far these have proved to be very reliable indeed
  18. http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/stor...ro.htm#features Not the most helpful of sites but it doesn't mention bitsetting as a feature.
  19. I think the "loading ramps" are the dark pieces of wood at the back of the low loader..... I thought they must have slipped....
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