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Everything posted by chewy

  1. 11/16/2005 the new chipset driver has usb and agp support and may have to be reloaded after the bios flash damn rocket science
  2. with possible driver issues you may have hit the nail on the head, the registry tweak might help, but what would be causing xp to error out the drive so quickly?
  3. chewy

    benq 1650

    has arrived in masse on your side of the pond. http://www.techfever.co.uk/products.asp?recnumber=3223
  4. http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/...1&fileid=120687 have you tried the driver reset tool?
  5. pio mode for sure http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/...0&os=WW1&osl=EN
  6. chewy

    personal photo

    I have a lot of issues with the forum software. and the extra http// must have been one of them, lol
  7. do a read test of a disk with dvdinfopro or cdspeed hope that's not a matshieta burner
  8. try and stay away from those G05's there have been issues with them deteorating quickly, check a few every few months or so.
  9. I just found out the 8x part a few weeks ago, looked for a 1693, but i was too late
  10. use 4x scanning for 3rd generation liteon drives, 8x for 4th and 5 th generations. http://codeguys.rpc1.org/dvdrw_overview.html
  11. just use imageshack http://imageshack.us/index.php
  12. chewy


    did you rma it? http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=...96&page=5&pp=25
  13. chewy


    Looks like the firmware 16x write strategies for that panasonic chipset are totally hosed. The 1.01 seems to do good at 8x. The chipset in the 4167 doesn't seem to have that problem.
  14. Our's is not to reason why, just burn or die, it's common knowledge never use anydvd/dvd43 when you don't need them. I use the analogy of camels and straw, some people think their camels can haul an infinite amount of straw, they blame that last piece that broke it's back.
  15. post a scan of the TYG03 and the speed burned at
  16. chewy


    TDK was one of the first name brands to sully their rep. Maxell was next. I would go for the -R's Price: $40 Purchased from: www.costco.com Date purchased: December 2005 http://www.videohelp.com/dvdmedia.php?sele...a=2754#comments
  17. His pie totals are half mine and jitter slight less, I had always believed that PIF's were most important. Evidently NicW thinks otherwise. It's a very subjective field.
  18. now I can have a pif total 1/3 of yours and a lower pif max and get a lower QS??? now i am starting to get a clue to the weighting of the formula
  19. Looks like all my scanning with dvdinfo freebie advert comflict waiting to crash will have to be done on another box which is dedicated and not online! After the hunt for a better burn with an 8x burn on benq with sony, I started scanning with infopro and saving graphs etc. All in all I scanned this disk 6 times, 3 with cdspeed, 3 times with dvdinfo. I surfed and answered posts during the first 5 scans, all the cdspeed ones showed a total PIF of ~100, the first 2 dvdinfo showed in the thousands, WTF! I ran the dvdinfo again and didn't surf and got this, must be some sort of bad conflict between the ads and web pages open. The first 2 dvdinfo showed horrible PIF max's, but the graph had no large spikes! ]My Webpage[/url]
  20. chewy

    Lfc pretty burn

    correction edit again http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=145930
  21. chewy

    dvdinfo pro

    what's your burner?
  22. chewy

    Lfc pretty burn

    how do you make a graph of your writer i went to the dvd info pro web page and i see unstable realease is this right It's stopped at 99% on me once, I was multitasking, nothing locked, I just had to hit stop and saved graph.
  23. chewy

    Lfc pretty burn

    with that new benq on such a cruddy media(optodisc).
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