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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. The liteon has no jitter. benq scans 1st a flashed 1650-1655 BCDB 2nd in 1650 BCIC Thing about all the benq 1650's I have is they seem to spike at just after 1 gig and around 2 gig on a few brands of disc's not written on benq. I will not be trusting anything very important to these disc's and will be treat as throw away items Another thing then benq 1650 BCIC is connected Via firewire as i ran outta usb ports, not sure if this has just happened but after switching to 1394 dvdinfopro cannot initialise the 1650 connected via firewire now. Using latest firmware in Enclosure, will maybe drop back a firmware after connecting it back to USB as it seems firewire cannot upgrade or even read the rom from enclosure.
  2. Speaking of CMC seems the 1635s really likes em. see what benq1650 scans em like
  3. It will then negotiate down to the lowest speed of hardware connected to the gigabit nic in your case a 10/100. You should still be able to easily burn at 4X over network though. Maybe look in the properties of the NIC's and if you have an option (will be in gigabit one more than likely) to optimise for CPU or Throughput, CHOOSE throughput.
  4. sorry that did not help, have you watched everything recorded now though to see if those scenes have been merged into the whole recording ?
  5. just to clarify I meant, eg you started to record your girl at uni on say HQ, then maybe a couple of days later you decided to record something else but changed to long play, then say another day recorded something else in extended play.
  6. did you when recording switch modes eg quality settings for HQ, EP, SLP and such. ? As one of my home dvd recorders does what yours seems to have done, e.g hiding other recordings. I,m trying to remember how i got the other recordings to show up afterwards, umm, OK read the ISO into your computer then extract the ISO with winrar, then google a program called fix vts and run the whole folder thru it, after you have done that then look for a program called dvdshrink and try and open it in there see if they show up if so - reauthor and save out as ISO.
  7. I just use default setting across my network and when i used 10/100 I could burn at 8X over network, I choose 6X most of the time as my MAX, as 8X was maybe stretching it just a little. However when I upgraded to 10/100/1000 I can if I so want to, easily burn at 16x and have done so numerous occassions without the warning your getting in log file. Only thing different is I never alter any settings.
  8. If everyone would just stop buying all the crap ones, you would think or rather hope manufacturers would realise up the quality before they go broke
  9. I should have mentioned every drive is different.
  10. The fault will probably lie with the conversion you did from divx to dvd. You would be better off burning proper DVD content as a test to see if you writer/ your home DVD player has issues. Chances are with proper DVD content not something you converted from one format to another you will see your problem go away .It may not but one less variable to worry about Once you get to that stage choose write speed more suited to your burner 4x is max your writer sees for the disc's, you set it at 8x however that will just default back to max speed disc supports
  11. if you use for eeprom setting it is permanent until you change it again, for the other types it will remain until the drive is reset or just for next write.
  12. if you already have ISO file simply right click on it and choose burn with ImgBurn
  13. wiser to remove the hard drive you had XP on when going to install another operating system as new op or even another version of XP can just use files boot strap from previous hard drive, in your case corrupting boot loader which is why you got error over missing ntldr
  14. Whichever drive you have ISO on right click on it and choose properties then tools then click check now or start menu run and type this in chkdsk c: /f replace c: with the drive letter of hard drive you want to check, if hard drive cannot be locked press Y so on next reboot it will check it
  15. maybe your burner has burnt out . can you not burn them at 2.4X All my 360 backups on verb dl At 2.4x with ImgBurn are the same as when i used previous version, IF your sure software is at fault and nothing else then use other software, This if i was the author of the program would annoy the hell out of me as it has been pointed out the commands sent to your drive are the exact same ones from the previous version.
  16. which ftp client ? giga settings jumbo mtu may be killing it
  17. open imgburn select the Philip's writer and right click on description and choose capabilities or tools drive capabilities and see what disc's it can write. I believe the drive you have is a benq1640 which can writer dual layer
  18. scan the hard drive you have image on for errors. tick only top box. Failing that post log file as suggested
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