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Posts posted by dontasciime
i have about 9 verbatim coasters aswell. i need to find the problem becuase 2 out of 11 is not a good ratio please someone help
p.s. i just noticed that we were both trying to burn the same file
I 23:43:25 ImgBurn Version started!
I 23:43:25 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)
I 23:43:25 Total Physical Memory: 2,879,916 KB - Available: 2,035,676 KB
I 23:43:25 Initialising SPTI...
I 23:43:25 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 23:43:55 Found 1 DVD
They are only really rated at 2.4 so burning them at 8x is not always a good idea
Try burning 1 @ 2.4x after making sure your using the latest firmware for your pioneer
Also fix why your hard drive is slow maybe look at FAQ and follow the DMA help.
Scan the hard drive for errors and defrag it also and if you are using your computer to download or scan for viruses or spyware whilst trying to burn, STOP IT. leave it to burn the disc.
No there should not, 1 verify error means disc is hosed, however the option retry sometimes reveals that it may be a particle of dust or dirt so clean disc try again (may even be ram errors). Just like when you play a disc in dvd player and it skips but if you rewind it or even after after cleaning it, it does not do it. (dust) (dirt) (heat)
Anyone who keeps a disc that failed verification and relies on it is nuts
It's not hard
Never is
what drive do you have though
why not store the ISO on the same machine as the dvd writer and do it that way, if you are trying to burn across network using wireless your gonna have to set aside some time and tbh you may end up with crap on a disc "Eventually"
I bet even N is slow and a bandwidth hoggy
never mess with windows dma settings there is no need to. Well only when you try with internal writer and get something like 1x or 2 from Hd in same machine.
you should look on google to see if taking that update stops the modchip or soft mod hack from working hence making the game no matter how many times you burn it successfully work etc.
you have latest wii mod firmware to play this game yeah ?
xbox 360 games layerbreak 1913760
Wii SSB layerbreak 2084960
and even on verbatim 2.4x that game on certain Wii's struggles to load even mine fails. However I can get mine to load by pressing A quickly before it demos the game eg before it shows cut scenes from the start of the game it loads everytime If I do it that way even the ritek and cmc mag backups I have work like that. burn @2.4x
Is that game for xbox 1 ? [edit] I thought it was only for pc and 360 so the fact you are using single layer means pc version to me, or you have some special mod to allow 360 to read single layer discs.
Why exactly do you need to set disc to dvd-rom I would not have thought PC version would give a dam about this.
I can burn @22x over my gigalan network.
However you should be aware that eg 2 computers , comp1 has the ISO comp2 is say upstairs and if you are saying you have a usb writer on that computer upstairs you will not be able to burn at max over gigalan to that usb writer as it does not like to receive data that way nor does mine on any of my computers (I can still get 12x to maybe 14x though). To a writer installed as sata or ide you should be able to burn at 22x over 10/100/1000 .
Building images etc can max out network when windoze has to deal with thousands of small files even hundreds
Check you network card properties to see if it is optimised for speed or CPU as well.
Have you looked in write settings to see if auto change booktype has been unticked as it defaults to ticked, I believe.
Then I'm with L_UK time for a new drive.
Source File Volume Identifier: asdasdasdVery popular indentifier that, just as well f u & k are not where a s & d are.
wtf log's :
I know I said not to bother posting it but that was a joke.
post the log/s as I would like to see to see the writer and media you are trying to use etc
does it do same at 2.4x selected
sure my 223f did
Without me doing any research comparison anything similar liteon and samsung recent burners share apart from SATA interface , MTK based or ?
I 14:08:02 ImgBurn Version started!
Please update to the latest ImgBurn version
If it aint broke don't fix it.
That's why I dont have the latest version.
The version I'm running does me fine, I use about 5% of the available functions: "Click/Drag/Write/ Wait for Lame music
/Close. Simple.
Constant updating is for those that need to do it and those that have too.
What more can a newer version offer an average user like me?
I'm very happy with this one as it is.
Thankyou to L/UK for the advice and the other posters.
OK lads we are not needed, L_UK your wasting your time updating it when there is no need.
Seriously Cul In some circumstances if it ain't broke does work , not many and I am sure you did not mean to sound rude or stupid but how do you know it ain't broke, there might be some underlying problem you have not seen yet. There is a reason for updates to make sure users are still happy and improvements in all manner of things and it is hardly as if L_UK releases an update every week look at changelog dates
yeah cheap lawsuit lawyers and no morals from claimants
EDIT: Allegedly
Q Is this the dvd flick forum A "no"
post log but in the meantime insert a blank
post log
EDIT actually don't bother just go and buy some Verbatim 2.4x MKM-001-00 either Singapore ones 100% recommended or some made in India ones which have to be better than the ritek media you are using now or maybe the ricoh or even cmc media.
Please can somebody tell me what this means as really annoyed want to start playing Fifa 09
Use the original then
yeah but only as a test if still the same after taking out the patin couffin layer then go into bios and select IDE for SATA or you could now open imgburn and choose patin couffin as the I/O and see if that works for your setup. So try before un installing it.
Then hit everything with a BFH
verbatim coasters
in ImgBurn Support
You should not need to alter layerbreak as it should be in the .DVD file
And ImgBurn should be left to calculate optimal from write settings when used with .dvd file
1913760 is the correct value enter this as value when you have no .dvd and tick user specified and then put it back and use the proper function only with .dvd .mds etc so as too avoid mistakes.