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Posts posted by dontasciime

  1. It will be fine providing the disc would have verified had you not stopped it from doing so.


    If it fails to verify against image it is not because you shutdown before closing, it would be down to poor disc quality etc.

  2. Although that still doesn't explain why ImgBurn can't lock my drive


    You know when you lock your front door with the key so its locked. Can you lock the door again once it's locked "NO"


    Another program probably something made by M$ Like MP11 or another burning program that maybe installed a service has got a lock on your drive. Check FAQ and sysinternals to find offending program. Then get M$ to fix how vista works.

  3. which mobo is it you have and which sata driver are you using if using nforce take the nvidia drivers out and use standard ms ones.


    looked quickly at log from and somethings were corrected not sure what your using to read blu ray and what processing you're applying but can you not try with a one where you take the whole ISO without changing anything on it and just write that one out to see if that plays on PC PD and ps3

  4. Different burning program... no errors.


    I do software QA for a living, so I've run through a few different scenarios to trouble-shoot before blaming the software



    oh oh spaghetti oohs

  5. I edited b4 you posted but still do not rule out a Good brand name PSU causing trouble, specially when you have 2 hd 2 writers 2x gfx 2 x gfx fan cpu fan, god knows how many case fans they all suck juice and not all psu can last. I have gone through about 20 PSU in last 5 years.


    check 12 v line in a program called "Everest" when running say SETI or any program that uses high cpu if it fluctuates down to 11.36v 11.47v then your psu is on its way out

  6. Off topic


    I 10:40:40 Destination Device: [1:1:0] LITE-ON DVDRW LH-20A1L BL05 (D:) (ATA)
    I 10:45:57 Synchronising Cache...

    W 10:47:23 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (0/3) - Program Memory Area Update Failure

    W 10:47:23 Synchronise Cache Failed! - Reason: Program Memory Area Update Failure

    W 10:47:23 Retrying (1 of 3)...



    On DVD-R as well



    I have seen a few post about a sony drive and nero giving PMA error on cdfreaks a while ago, I remember Cynthia you responded to their post as well. I pressume it was you.

  7. change your IDE cable on Pioneers to another 80 wire one for starters, test your memory with Memtest + and switch off ECC for memory in bios. Actually change IDE on hard drives as well to rule it out but at same time as replacing the Pio drives cable


    Then look at changing the drive, still does it, then look to change psu Change PSU if total W out is less than 550W and 22 to 28 A on the 12V line.

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