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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. did you untick auto booktype in ImgBurn settings ?
  2. Download link works 4 me. dutch_netherlands.zip
  3. So have you tried without nfarce storage driver yet ?
  4. Happy Birthday and many more to come.
  5. Single layer discs are easier to burn, laser easier to focus on SL. DL burning usually made easier by using MKM-001-00 Made In Singapore. Any other media and the success rate goes rapidly downhill.
  6. Nothing you can do but clean drive, Use Verbatim MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore (MIS ones are not that good) The A-One disc's are terrible so you cannot compare them. Your using the latest firmware from Liteon . If the IDE controller on your motherboard is third party like Jmicron make sure driver is most recent or make sure that options in Bios for this controller are set to IDE/ATA . If using NForce Chipset (just use standard ms drivers for SATA/IDE) not the nvidia storage driver Maybe drive is faulty, try another writer in a friends computer etc. Try one Verbatim @4X instead of 2.4x
  7. Search not working ? Up to you un install or just Install over top and follow prompts to choose what you want to do.
  8. LOL Look I have 15 actually make that 16 computers running in my house with various hardware with over 70 dvd writers, Actually don't matter your right I am wrong. Edit 24/07/08 Meant to add this last night but had something else to do. Carl take this whichever way you want.. You joined this forum to ? well, to post a response add weight to dann23's argument I instantly thought dann23 had joined again with different user name to add weight to their so called argument. Anyway back to your statement "I guess that confirms that the problem is with ImagBurn's driver and not the cable, drive etc" As pointed out there are no drivers for ImgBurn, I/O is provided by operating system and third party drivers (dll etc) How they interact with operating system and hardware is a very very long chain whereby something can go wrong and to find out what it is (usually hardware/driver) can make you believe one thing is to blame because of logic. If you format your computer and install vista clean and not an upgrade and you cannot get the drive to work with ImgBurn then using so called logic ImgBurn is the culprit in your eyes, well how if I am to accept your logic can you not accept my logic when I say umm my LG drive (which is the same make model as your) works fine on vista cleanly installed with ImgBurn. My logic says your drive is broken, then cable is broken (or the set of drivers vista installs at default for your hardware is not playing nicely and you then have to try a few different chipset drivers or sata controller drivers), bearing in mind a cable does not need to be broken 100% to be broken I mean that a cable might look OK, seem to be working OK, but in fact is not working as it should as in odd behaviour (drive not working as it should as in maybe 1 pin slightly pushed in ) . The above is the bit I have the biggest problem with . It is drivers/hardware/chipsets/controllers/Bios/Firmware/USER/ that have the interaction problem. You can tell me all day that nero works, isobuster/ magiciso/ burn/ nti dvd / Sorry but I have seen a lot of people use that argument when they know fine well that they are exaggerating the truth and they mean 1 other program works or they are getting the same issue in other programs and find 1 program they know has support that gets answered and use the other programs work argument whilst making out "X" program is at fault to facilitate a fix. It may turn out that your particular drive is not broken and that on your hardware there turns out to be a bug in the code of ImgBurn whereby it only shows on your drive with your hardware. But then you should have started your own thread / reported it as a bug instead of taking over someone else's post for support with a HTTA.
  9. Maybe ditch vista for xp and when your using different drivers see if it works then, When it does you can then blame vista drivers. And you can report about the program as many times as you like but when your report is wrong (and is blaming the wrong thing in this case your blaming the program when it clearly is not actually the program but something on your system that is not quite right) no one is gonna take it seriously. Your hardware/drivers are at fault. Wipe your install and get as many drivers as you can dated from early to latest and keep reinstalling your operating system until you get a stable system (which should be possible but bad drivers can cause untold mysteries) or return it to PC world or wherever you bought it from and get something that works as it should. You can vote with your feet and just use all the other programs you mentioned, no one is forcing you to use ImgBurn. My LG BR is fine On ICH7 set to IDE mode in BIOS (using same firmware as yours I bet)
  10. Change media & Use Verbatim MKM-001-00 Made In Singapore as advised above.
  11. Not having a clue what you typed In your native language, Im easy either way
  12. You have the problem. You also have the choice of using whatever software you want but when it bites you on the backside and makes you look like a knob do not ask for help until you admit your a knob. You can have your opinion and your entitled to it but your wrong.
  13. Carl. Stop talking sh*** and if you must then at least get the name of the program your whining about right. It is "ImgBurn" Edit ... Carl have you posted a log of a failed burn, have you also posted what motherboard your using with which driver and which sata port/ controller you have your optical connected to. You see I only have 15 SATA writers So what do I know. Only The Samsung SATA ones I have do not play nice with writing onto DVD+R whilst trying to set book type to DVD-ROM The Chipset/s I am using in MOBO[iCH7] and VIA addon card 6421L and GL chipset in SATA 2 usb adapter (This includes all burning programs) and only with DVD+R >DVD-ROM (My optiarc's/ Pioneers/ are fine though.
  14. Suppose we could get Chaos to Translate it for us but then someone would say it's not right.
  15. How you can stay cool is beyond me
  16. I have no proof that nero works. Optical drives on Sata controllers are normally shit, so Lsma fix it yourself.
  17. try with a 6x -rw or 8x +rw or at least another brand of RW and have you done anything with the sata ports / driver/ bios/ cable / ? as in to stop it showing as RAID.
  18. Or have you got automatic windows updates on. Or maybe now your using Indian made Verbs. What about a firmware update to drive, thats if you can find one as it seems Lg like to forget about drives they release.
  19. Change your SATA cable Change which SATA port you have it plugged into. Set your Bios to use Emulated IDE for SATA ports. Change the driver your using In windows to handle IDE/SATA And It's not ImgBurn problem but yours as in your system / hardware/ drivers if Nero works for you keep paying for it and use it. Please also start your own thread about a problem as you have different drive to the original thread poster.
  20. Or just simply tell the person moaning to stfu and stop whining. That's not you Chaos BTW
  21. Even brand new just released motherboards do not always get on with SATA writers. Luck plays a big part in it. Sellers on Ebay want to grab your attention with low price items but make up difference on postage to even out price or maybe it's a way to avoid higher ebay fee's :
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