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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Looks like you might have been using a hacked firmware with that drive then or the controller on ya motherboard is blocking firmware. you got a pics of what your drive looks like and on the sticker does it says anything out of the ordinary as in it does carry the pioneer name . eg like Medion
  3. Try this instead as your drive may well be the A07 XLB version http://wwwbsc.pioneer.co.jp/cgi-bin/www1/d...07XLA_FW122.EXE
  4. they are normally on @ default [edit having quickly looked at the user guide it has a firewall) it has to as the other options are present also to punch a hole in firewall to let applications work thru port triggering etc.
  5. What's model number ? look on back or hook it up and log in
  6. The majority of Router's will have a firewall. All the ones I own which is about 20 have one so the Norm should be they have one but it is wise to check if purchasing.
  7. It's gonna take a little more information b4 anyone can help you. Post a log, mention which hardware you have and media you are trying to use.
  8. Do as suggested and only get Verbatim but for now try with 4x as ritek dye seems to hate 8x and 6x on all the burners I have they prefer 2.4x(which is not option for you) and 4x
  9. Wii needs to be modded search google
  10. change your IDE cable to an 80 wire new one and see what happens
  11. change the reader that you are using or clean the lens but try using a few different dvd readers/writers.
  12. Import this reg file to enable tooltips justinfo.reg Or this one to set explorer advanced settings to same as mine my_advanced_explorer_settings.reg
  13. maybe drive has had it or your verbs are Made in India or lens dirty or disc was scratched etc.
  14. And there it is, READ said option and understanding it. The tooltips that are included are sufficient for most and If you are a more advanced user, research [google] before clicking that option.
  15. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/597460 or download these and put all 3 into same folder as your 38.6 meg 1.9s pal ISO and run rightsize.bat this will expand the 1.9s iso to full size ready for burning with ImgBurn onto media of your choice. WII_PAL.rar
  16. Edit You should really verify all your burns, especially to the poor media your using. Check back when say Blutach has replied or another Beta Team Member to guide you thru it.
  17. Look for a firmware update as your drive does not support the media your using. Or buy an external dvd writer if your drive is a slimline laptop drive which I think it is.
  18. Happy Birthday
  19. Do as suggested and use Verbatim MKM 001-00 2.4x made in Singapore.
  20. Hit it with a hammer or hit yourself, either way ImgBurn was not responsible.
  21. Happy Birthday
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