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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. What's wrong with the -R media? Your drive should handle it.
  2. I didn't know camcorders made NRG files. Even though it's not an ImgBurn problem, if you give us some more info, we might be able to help. When you say the camcorder corrupted the image, how?
  3. Here is the info from an "empty" Verb +R DL media. HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4120B A117 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R DL Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 4,173,824 Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x DVD?R DL Boundary Information: L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,086,912 Changeable: Yes Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: MKM-001-00 Book Type: DVD+R DL Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 2 Track Path: Opposite Track Path (OTP) Linear Density: 0.293 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,580,607 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 2,283,519 Notice the free sectors available? Now, here is the info from your log. And then, your file size. Not much to play with.
  4. Whatever it is, I could really use some.
  5. I must admit minty, at the time I thought you were the ONE.
  6. Edit: The above log file is when i was trying to burn 2 PC game demos, the below log file is when i tried to burn only 1 of the files(successfully with no errors). I used the same disc and burned it only a few minutes later. The size of the demos combined is 3.53gb the second burn with just 1 of the demos was 1.75gb. It only failed in the verify stage, (first log) you're trying to fit an image to large for what's available on the media, try a full format on the RW then burn again.
  7. Post your minidump file, and we'll tell you what crashed it.
  8. Shit, I type too slow.
  9. Looking at where the burn failed right near the end of the second layer I doubt it has anything to do with with the LB, that's why I'm going for speed. You could argue that burning the ISO should produce the same result, and I'd have to agree, but it could just be fluke that the ISO goes through and the MDS fails. Just a thought.
  10. There is your problem if your HDD is on UDMA2, that's where corny is going with his question. How old is your HDD? It could be that it simply can not support UDMA5 or 6.
  11. Even though this may sound unrealated to your problem, I'd lower the burn speed to 4x.
  12. Not at all I just can't be arsed reading a post for 5 minutes that is not technical, no matter who posts it. Unless offcourse the topic is of some interest to me.
  13. Thanks, tell her we all appreciate it.
  14. Was this for you? Or us?
  15. Well, to be honest, when I see a post as long as war and peace, I can't be arsed reading it.
  16. I would be blaming these before anything else, try with some verb +R/DL's, they are the only ones that work right right.
  17. Agreed, locking down by mac address is by far the most secure.
  18. It must be, hes first one played ok.
  19. I think you've got a bitsetting problem, what are you using to set your booktype?
  20. Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: YUDEN000-T02-00 Book Type: DVD+R Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: YUDEN000-T02-00 Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 811,759 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 Is this from the same disc? Something doesn't look right.
  21. Thanks, can we have one of the actual burn? And then the profile of the media from the right hand payne. (when completed) Edit: BTW, have you changed anything since your first burn?
  22. Fair enough, it's worth a try. Good luck.
  23. Just before you go replacing the drive, try burning at 4X, looking at your logs, your machine is struggling beyond this speed.
  24. Can you post a log from ImgBurn? If everything is what you say it is, then it's probably media/machine compatibility issue.
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