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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Can't see why not, use the build mode, drag your jpg's tif's then hit build, you'll end up with an ISO, then burn it.
  2. I thought you said you were using CDRW's?
  3. Check out the FAQ's on DMA
  4. No arguments there MJ. But this next one is not far of it. (Posted by PM)
  5. That's exactly right LFC, since when wearing a Cross around your neck has become 'offensive', because that's what this about, that bit about banned jewellery is just plain bullshit.
  6. A MELBOURNE teenager banned from wearing a crucifix to school returned to class today still sporting the necklace, in defiance of school rules. Jamie Derman, 17, says teachers at Sunbury Downs Secondary College threatened her with suspension if she failed to remove the cross. Her father Gordon brokered a deal with the school's vice-principal today, enabling Jamie to wear the cross with a letter of permission until a meeting with the principal on Wednesday. "She is at school and she's wearing the cross, I've got to meet with the principal some time on Wednesday," Mr Derman told Southern Cross Broadcasting. Jamie says the cross has sentimental value because it replaced a lost baptism gift, and she is refusing to bow to school rules. "Because I have to cover it up, it's like they're saying to me I have to cover up what I believe in," Jamie told Sky News today. The college banned the cross under its rules on jewellery and dress. Mr Derman said the school has always had a dress code, but it was only now being enforced by a new principal. "I bought her the cross at York Minster basically as a replacement while we were on holidays in England and she's worn it ever since," Mr Derman told Southern Cross Broadcasting. "When you've got 16, 17, 18 year-olds ? they're not kids they're young women ? and they're not even allowed to wear a piece of jewellery." Mr Derman said moving schools was not an option and he hoped the matter could be resolved amicably. "If not, I don't really know which way I've got to go after that, whether I've got to go for discrimination or what." Principal Brett Moore defended the dress code, saying it had strong backing. "Ninety-nine-point-nine per cent of the students and parent community are in support," he told Sky News. Talk about going over the top with bullshit.
  7. There should have been no doubts at all, just about every member said the same thing, well done on taking the advice, unlike some others that keep insisting that it's not a media problem.
  8. calweycn, Read carefully and learn, don't just carry on with what *YOU* think is right. My father use to say, "it is not shameful not to know, but it is great shame not to learn".
  9. What is the media you're using? Post the log, that should tell us.
  10. Yeah, the Microsoft way of thinking.
  11. Did you test ram as suggested above?
  12. BTW, does it pass the ram check ok at start up?
  13. Oh shit, you do have some major problems, then you better try the DOS option. Or, if you're happy to format and start again, just choose that from the cd, rather than the repair.
  14. When you say it won't boot up from cd, is it bypassing the drive? or are you not hitting the "anykey" in time? As per chewy's post, get into BIOS and change the boot order so it looks at the cd drive first. Pending on your machine this could be the DEL key, F1, F2, F10 etc. One other thing you could try, get a DOS boot up disc, then run chkdsk /r at the command prompt.
  15. No write problems volvo, just speeds, however I've never tried the above discs. Always used +R's in Verbs.
  16. Yup, LIGHTNING beat me to it. The tool has allways been under your nose DB.
  17. Yeah, I think the boys are right, you just think that nero is going faster than 8x, I would have thought a guy with your knowledge would have been all over this one.
  18. Yes, I guess there are blu, (nutcases) but I guess it's no different than giving one of those guys a licence to drive a B Double.
  19. I fully agree spinner, it's the generalisation that pisses me right off, I mean fuck, there must thousands of firearm owners in Australia, but because a handfull of idiots decide to do the wrong thing, we all get labelled idiots, or at least put in the same catagory. I have NEVER conciderd my firearms as a mean of self defence, the thought never enters my head, however, I do enjoy getting the odd rabbit for the pot, and or putting the odd animal out of suffering as was the case a couple of days ago where a kangaroo got caught in one of my fences and broke it's leg. Most legitimate firearm owners are decent law abiding citizens that have a passion for owning firearms, this could vary from a collecter, to a target shooter to a hunter, so I don't understand why we have to give it up simply because some nutcase went bananas.
  20. I really don't care if the stats are true or false, but as I've allways said before, no LAW will make me give up my firearms that I have held for allmost 35+ years. In my opinion they are nothing more than a tool, held and used in the right matter should not bother anyone, and by asking people like myself to hand them in for a "safer Australia" is absolute rubbish. One day one of those people just might be glad that people like myself never handed them in. It is shear ignorance that scares people.
  21. It is most definitely media problems my frend.
  22. Aint that the truth?
  23. We can only hope mate. We can only hope.
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