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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. I wonder if he flashed this mother?
  2. lol, that leaves me out.
  3. I can vouch for this. I did this a while back with some (dare I say it) CMC's. Perfect test runs, then, 20% into the actual burn, a perfect coaster.
  4. Kenadjian

    capture problems

    No, I can't say I have this problem. Best you wait for Asus support.
  5. PCI ram? WOW
  6. Yes, you're right.
  7. Kenadjian

    capture problems

    Sorry isis, don't quite understand what you're trying to do? Are you having trouble capturing or burning? We need a bit more info, thanks.
  8. Bring it on baby.
  9. You're welcome.
  10. I think you have a couple of issues here. Please, please, please, get rid of those CMC MAG DL's, Verb +R DL is the only thing that will work right. If this is after a burn, then as you can see you havn't burnt anything. The book type will show the correct info (DVD-ROM) after the burn is completed. Do not use folder2iso for video files, use shrink to output the files to an ISO, if you're going to be doing DL's set it to no compression. Or you can use Imag tool classic to create your ISO.
  11. Another thread about to go tits up????
  12. Ok, you'll either need to "shrink" the image so it fits on one disc, (you can use DVD SHRINK for this) it's free. Or, you can use a number of apps to split the image into 2 maintaining the video stracture for each disc, DVD SHRINK can also do this so can VOBBLANKER, just to mention 2.
  13. Is this a 7.9GB data disk, or a video disk?
  14. Do what? Shampoo a wombat?
  15. Yeah, I do DB, all I can say is that these people have too much time on their hands. The sad part is, we tend to cop all this shit on chin, when is someone going to say, go away you moron, you're a fucking idiot.
  16. Fuck pain_man, you should be a poli or a historian. No really, you seem to thrive on this stuff, I don't think I've seen anyone with your passion for this kind of stuff.
  17. Are you a member of KKK? If not, I'm afraid we can't let you in.
  18. Well done.
  19. Oh fuck LFC, I'm still pissing myself loughing. It's no different than some moron down here that wanted to ban the plumbing language of "male" and "female" in the dicriptions. For fuck sake, give me a break.
  20. Kenadjian

    XP Stop Errors

    Grain, for what's it's worth, check your video card mate, (and its drivers) it's amazing how many times I've found this to be the problem.
  21. Let me see if I got this right. Are you saying if someone offerd you a couple of million bucks to do something a bit underhanded, (because you're in a position to do so) you would not think about it? If you honestly answerd "no I would not" to the above, then you're a much better man than I am. I know damn well I would be very tempted, pending on what the request was.
  22. Try 1.3 instead.
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