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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Oh dear, just when you think you've seen it all.
  2. I think you might be suffering from DMA issues as well, please read the FAQ's on how to correct this problem. Once you've done that and followed polo's advice above, you should be OK.
  3. And easily expandable without the proprietary bullshit.
  4. It could just be "one of those things", the one thing I would check out though if it keeps doing it is your PSU.
  5. Yeah, my dogs love em, every household with a dog should have a cat, it's good exercize for the dogs.
  6. I like the sticker on the back of the ute.
  7. lol, I think this thread is writen in invinsible ink.
  8. It almost looks as though your drive timed out, were you doing anything else at the time that might have been CPU intensive for a few seconds?
  9. Google for Divxtodvd. Or if you nerovision that will do it too.
  10. I think you're dead right. Also as shamus said the same goes for HP/Compaq. There is no doubt putting a box together yourself is the way to go. it's pretty hard hard to convince some people though, specialy when Dell offers a box with a 17" LCD monitor for $999.00. They are purely out to corner the market.
  11. From what I've seen, regardless of the make of the drive, I think Dell must purchase factory seconds or something, so to answer your question, Dell do it all by thereselves, then again, it could just be fluke with some of the drives being faulty.
  12. It does, doesn't it?
  13. Yeah, they're doing fine, thanks to people like shamus.
  14. Just the same though, don't tell me you wouldn't be tempted to do something that wasn't quite legal, obviously the person that offers you that amount of money is not looking for you to shampoo his wombat, is he??
  15. Is that a requirement to post???? Obviously not.
  16. No, I think you're right on the money spinner.
  17. Take it from us, I've seen a number of Dell machines with faulty drives right from word go, a new drive is your answer.
  18. They don't exactly like .22's either.
  19. LFC took the words right out of my mouth, it's sad to see men like that go bad. But I wonder how any of us would react if a couple of million dollars were flashed under our nose?
  20. Sadly this is what happens when you start protecting everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for perserving indangered animals, but somehow you need to control the "protection" bit. In the Northern Territory of Australia, these fuckers are now in plague proportions.
  21. Did you read the thread?
  22. Australia man, Australia. (Close enough to Siberia I suppose)
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