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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Not that I'm ungreatfull blu, but I'm quite happy to set my drive after a reboot rather than run an another app. I mean after all it's not all that hard.
  2. Kenadjian


    lol, there is something to look forward to.
  3. Yes Master, is that better?
  4. Well said polo.
  5. Thank God for that.
  6. Yeah, you got that right.
  7. Yup, as per corny's quote below.
  8. Always.
  9. Yup, and it's going to get worst.
  10. How in fcuks name did you end up with a zip file using the above programme? If you're converting mpg's, folder2iso is not what you need, you need the other one. The one that shamus gave you a link to. as for the media, if you've got +R media you may need to change the book type DVD-ROM for your old player to recognise it. But one thing at a time. You need to successfully convert your files to an ISO before you go any further.
  11. Kenadjian


    Ferkin hell, 18? Ahhhh, memories. Watch your alcohol intake young man, otherwise you'll end up like me.
  12. A bit of both I think bill.
  13. Like you, I did too, and they were, but recently (in the past 12 months I believe) they decided to change their dye and go with the worst company DVD world has ever known. CMC MAGNETICS. I wasted $60 not so long ago untill I found out that's what they had done. No more TDK's for me.
  14. Oh, OK, I wouldn't have thought you'd classify something like that as a bug. To me, a bug has always been something that the software doesn't do quite right affecting the job it's trying to do. In this case, I guess technically speaking, it's not doing something quite right, but not affecting the job so to speak. Oh my God, I just read my own post, I'm starting to sound like DB.
  15. Ah, the price we pay for getting older.
  16. You're welcome Groundrush.
  17. Well, you could say ImgBurn is a bit like a car, but instead of burning rubber it burns DVD's. Oh, and kev, as a bonus, it doesn't leak oil all over the place either.
  18. No, not realy, however I do know that not all errors are letter to letter correct, (I could stand to be corrected here by the boss) similar conditions could be interperted by the software to show the same error text. I can assure you it's not a bug. (not within the software anyway) I wouldn't worry to much about it as it was a one off, but like I mentioned ealier, if the problem persists, see your doctor. (your PSU doctor)
  19. Try this one Kev. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1431
  20. Just to finish it. Unit.
  21. Kenadjian


    Happy birthday jack.
  22. Thanks boss, I took my medication today!
  23. What type of media are you using? A log file from ImgBurn will tell us a lot.
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