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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Sure can. Can't quite seem to get all of me under it though. Where's my tongs.............?
  2. I'm just an idiot. You're right. I'm wrong. If you'll excuse me I'll just slide back under my rock until this all blows over.
  3. Let's just clarify a few things as we seem to have strayed off the original question. In plain and simple terms? Yes? Alrighty then... *Patented Shamus SpeakĀ© engaged* Firstly, the position of the layer break won't make a rats arse of difference if you're going to compress the DVD with Ner0 Recode or any other compression software. It just doesn't matter. As soon as you compress the source files, all the worrying about layer breaks goes out the window. If you decide to do a 1:1 backup (picking any of the available layer break options) you're going to be hard pressed to notice the difference between them when you play the DVD in your standard DVD player. Experts and philosophers might care about it but those of us at the bottom end of the gene pool just don't care. A 3 millisecond delay when changing layers just isn't worth worrying about. Secondly, (and most importantly) we know the answers to many of the questions that you have. The problem is that we're not allowed to tell you. If you have a quick look around the internet you'll see that many forums like this one are removing links to software that removes copyright protection or alters copyrighted video content. Others sites have stopped hosting the programs themselves for fear of being sued. This forum, like many others, cannot support or even discuss such software. These are the conditions laid down by the forum administrators and they will be adhered to. We'd like to help you (and others) more but we can't. It's that simple.
  4. I've got that album. http://www.amazon.com/gp/music/wma-pop-up/...7568353-3622800
  5. If she was about a foot shorter with a flat head she'd be perfect.
  6. A tongue in cheek response?
  8. I haven't seen them in ages here in Queensland. Maybe 5 years or more. *sigh*
  9. It should be obvious........... they're pretty big tongs. *cough*
  10. Hmm... don't remember saying that. You're not making this up, are you?
  11. I'd get a Pioneer simply because they support automatic bitsetting - meaning you don't have to fart around with config files to get +R/+R DL media to work in a normal DVD player.
  12. http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2007/05/wii_safety_shie.html Wii Safety Shield. Dumbest Accessory Ever. By Charlie Sorrel May 23, 2007 6:05:13 AM It's been said that stupid people will buy any old junk, so the LCD Safety Shield should fly off the shelves. Anyone foolish enough to fling their Wiimote at their delicate LCD TV probably deserves everything they get, but now they can take out some extra insurance in the form of this plastic guard. The shield, from Taiwanese accessory maker LCDArm, comes in various sizes, from 30-46" and just sits there, reflecting light and looking ugly. I suppose this could be practical if you really are a butter-fingered Wii Bowling enthusiast, but my take on the spate of suspiciously broken straps and screens at the Wii's launch is that they were publicity seeking stunts. No price, yet.
  13. As a chronic poster to the eye candy thread, I'm sure you have the situation well in hand. I know I do. *cough*
  14. FWIW, my windows workgroup is "fuckit". It seemed logical after cooking several cpus, motherboards, video cards and harddrives before I had an air conditioner put into my little computer room about 18 months ago. During summer the temperature in here would often exceed 50 degrees celcius and the hardware fried. It's still 10 degrees warmer in here than it is in the loungeroom.
  15. Free broadband? Nah. My conscience won't allow it. Besides, my connection is faster.
  16. Scary stuff. It's funny how people will lock up their house at night but not even think about locking down their network.
  17. The Ritek DL media is shit. No other word for it. Pretty much the same story for everything except Verbs. Taiyo Yuden DL media is impossible to find here. I recently found a local seller of TY DVD5s though.
  18. So........ there I am in my loungeroom farting around with a laptop and all of a sudden a new network appears in my list. Hmm... curious. I swap from my own secured network to the new network and hit connect. Success. Free internet because there's no encryption enabled. I opened a command prompt and quickly found the ip address of the wireless router which I then typed into a browser. Username and password..... it says. After only 3 guesses at the password I had full access to the router, including their account and password details. Scary stuff. What it shows is that the more consumer friendly some of these new fangled products become, the more open they are to abuse. Something as simple as not broadcasting the SSID would help alot. Being forced to have encryption enabled by default with some sort of wizard would be better. Teaching new users users how to lock down an access point via mac addressing would be better still. Alas, most users will continue to ignore the manual, turn on the power and be happy in their ignorance. BTW, mine's the top one.
  19. Yeah. Good mate. She's heading out of town for a couple of days which means peace and quiet. How's Firey?
  20. No. Don't tell me as usual computers have 2 DVD-RW drivers? And laptops have 2 drivers? A second drive is easy enough to add and they come in different flavours such as firewire and USB. Also, laptops were never meant to be a replacement for a full tower that can be stacked with drives and other cool hardware. A hobby worth pursuing occasionally needs money spent on it. If a lack of drives is the problem, then the solution seems simple.
  21. Crap. I was hoping you'd say yes. There's no simple way to import the files with something like an .sfv file or whatever? I'm trying to get a basic understanding of what's involved.
  22. Your lack of hardware shouldn't be the basis for changing the software, should it?
  23. I have a distinct feeling of deja vu. The Ritek G03s and G04s were brilliant. The G05s suck. Aren't those Ritek's of the single layer varietah? Yep. Same problem though. What was once good turned to crap.
  24. I have a distinct feeling of deja vu. The Ritek G03s and G04s were brilliant. The G05s suck.
  25. Working on laptops sucks. You need 5 hands and a fcuking great shoehorn to get everything back into the case. Getting the things fixed just isn't worth it IMO. I have 4 lappys here all bought secondhand at auction for a steal. The cost of a new internal DVD drive and paying someone to fit it makes it more expensive than it would be to just chuck it out and get another one. I'll never understand why would a person need a state-of-the-art laptop if they're just going to surf the net.
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