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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Sorry. We can't help you with this.
  2. For the Spy-O-Matic and other goodies, head over to www.whitehouse.org
  3. Do you have cookies enabled in your browser? If you're a privacy nut and don't like cookies being set (like me), install another browser and use it exclusively for forums (I use Mozilla just for this forum and IE, Opera and Firefox for everything else).
  4. Have you searched this forum for media IDs? There's one or two in the Drives and Media area.
  5. I assume the disk has been finalised? A logfile would help alot.
  6. My bad. I forgot to place "OR" between options 1 & 2.
  7. Regarding playback: - As long as the total data on the second layer doesn't exceed that on the top layer - everything will be groovy. . If you have any doubts you can always build an ISO both ways and mount the images into Daemon Tools and view them with Media Player Classic.
  8. Yeah. Mine average somewhere between 26 and 28MB/sec with bursts around 30. Speed difference between IDE and SATA and also between enclosures is minimal. Have you got any of your SATA enclosures daisy-chained? One of mine has the facility to be diasy-chained but I've never tried it.
  9. Can you copy and paste the full log from ImgBurns' bottom window, please?
  10. This ISO isn't mounted with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120 or something, is it?
  11. Sounds like a "permissions" error. What this means is that your user account may be restricted with what it's allowed to do. ImgBurn, by default, uses a software device driver called SPTI which requires admin access to function and there's a couple of things you can do to get things working properly. 1. Open your user settings and add ADMINISTRATOR access to your account. 2. Download and install the trial version of CloneDVD from http://www.slysoft.com/. As a byproduct of installing CloneDVD, you also install something called the ELBYCDIO driver which doesn't need admin access to run. After installing CloneDVD and rebooting your PC, open the ImgBurn settings from the TOOLS menu, select the I/O tab, then select ELBYCDIO and close the window. Fixed. (Hopefully). EDIT: Make sure your drive is actually enabled within Device Manager.
  12. Please don't crosspost. Your answers are here: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=3151&hl=
  13. Polo and L_UK are right on the money here. Get rid of the Ritek media. They truly are garbage. Also as suggested, get some genuine Verbatim media. If you fix the known problem first (in this case, those crappy disks), it's easier to find where other problems may be.
  14. Too easy, mate. If you get stuck give us a yell. We're always here.
  15. For two ISOs to work correctly on a single disk you need to re-author both so your player knows where to find everything. That means providing info within specific .IFO files that points to a specific piece of info (video and/or sound files, for example) on your disk. Sorry. Can't be done. Not with ImgBurn anyway.
  16. Welcome. In its current form ImgBurn doesn't do what's called ISO READ (reading an unprotected DVD to your HD). However, good news is at hand. Check out the BUILD MODE in the GUIDES area. ImgBurn will happily build disk images (ISO files) from files on your DVD as well as your HD. Once you have the files you need in you ISO image, check out the guides again to see how they are burned to disk. If you need help, ask.
  17. Ignoring the obvious higher capacity of both formats for a minute, what exactly is the average end user going to gain from buying all this expensive hardware? 50 million more colours and/or pixels on the screen? 9.1 surround sound? Current DVD quality isn't what you'd call crap. It's crisp. It looks brilliant and sounds brilliant. Bluray/HDDVD will certainly increase storage space but it's not that exciting when you consider that the majority of it will be filled by the video content that used to fit onto a DVD. The measure of quality isn't how many colours you can pack onto a screen nor how many new whizzbang things it can do. It's defined by the end user and what they think. The fact that VCRs are still being sold should be a wake up call for those in the electronics industry currently nursing a semi in regard to the money they anticipate making with the uptake of these new products.
  18. Welcome to the forum. This isn't a good sign. A few years ago Ritek made great media. These days they sell rubbish. Before pulling out PCI cards or attempting to find driver problems within Windows, I'd recommend finding some quality media such as Taiyo Yuden (-R) or Verbatim (+R DL) which will likely solve the problem. Most other media just isn't worth buying.
  19. http://theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37021
  20. 300TB is a staggering amount of storage space. Assuming my maths is correct, that's (roughly) around 480,000 CDs or 35,000 DVDs worth of data. 10 years ago a 500 megabyte drive was huge. Just imagine what we could see in another ten.
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