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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. LOL!! Tornados are tornados. You're confusing hurricanes (USA) with typhoons (Japan etc) and cyclones (Australia).
  2. There's no doubt that the USA has the most destructive tornados but they don't have as many as the UK.......... or so I read. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770
  3. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?i...p;in_page_id=34 'Thief' caught with her pants down Wednesday, December 6, 2006 A woman suspected of shoplifting who tried to evade security guards was eventually caught with her pants down. The woman bizarrely dropped her trousers when staff caught up with her as she tried to scale a fence. She had left the Somerfield store in Exeter with three legs of lamb. She was arrested and later bailed by police.
  4. As I peer into my crystal ball I see you may be using sub-standard media. If you post the log from the bottom window we'll tell you.
  5. I'd be running an up-to-date virus killer. A good choice would be Trend Micros' Housecall which you can find here: http://housecall.trendmicro.com/
  6. Ain't it a beauty? Corny has too much time on his hands.
  7. You can also use Tweak. The old Win95 version still works with XP. http://www.microsoft.com/ntworkstation/dow...g/NTTweakUI.asp
  8. The drive info from the top right window would help alot. It looks something like this: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD-R Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 2,298,496 Free Space: 4,707,319,808 bytes Free Time: 510:48:46 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: MCC 02RG20 Recording Management Area Information: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-R Part Version: 5 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 0 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0
  9. To add to the post above, the vast majority of visitors here either never post or learn what they have to and are gone within a few days - never to be seen again. There's not much point filling LUK's drive with crap that'll never be used.
  10. All it means is that your HD can't supply your burner with data quickly enough. It can happen if your burner and HD share an IDE channel or your source is a slow network drive, for example.
  11. I get Verbs from Mr CDR in Archerfield. http://www.mrcdr.com.au If you find TY's without shopping online, let us know.
  12. Tried to install it, said it was already installed, but isn't. Nothing on the Desktop was added, nothing to Start Menu. Nothing to Firefox, apparently, even though it said it needed it to be closed. I also did not like the rather ominous idea that it needed to install a library that runs each time an application is opened? No thanks. I just need a fucking stupid simple searcher. You know what I'd like instead of the eye candy and email searching? A simple, text-based engine that can scan multiple drives for just filenames and save the result as a searchable database (complete with full pathnames). You could have the thing scan and update itself every 24 hours via a cron or whatever. It'd be fast too. A 3GHz machine would make mincemeat of a 20meg text file.
  13. Hi Stephanie. Just a heads up as this is an international forum. You might know where Utah is but others might not. (LFC is in the UK. Corny is in Denmark etc..) It's no biggy but it helps other people participate if they wish to when they know exactly where you are. Regards from Brisbane, Australia
  14. They good like good burns to me also. You had a few buffer problems with one but it wouldn't make any difference to the outcome. Have you actually verified the contents of the ISO using Daemon Tools or something? I would.
  15. Post your log from the bottom window please.
  16. A log would have been nice. Still, it doesn't matter where you create the ISO file nor does it matter how long it takes. ImgBurn will chug along happily writing to whatever drive you've selected for as long as it takes to complete the task. The reverse is also true. Because ImgBurn uses BURNPROOF, technically, it shouldn't matter how long it takes to write your ISO onto a DVD or what your source is. Whatever problems you are experiencing can't be caused by the software. Trust me. ImgBurn basically sends a set of intructions to your drive. It's then down to your hardware to do as it's told. Next time you do a burn, copy and paste your log so we can see what's happening.
  17. http://www.media-post.net/coolpcmods.php
  18. We know exactly what you need and how to do it. Unfortunately, we can neither guide you nor point you in the right direction. The reason is a legal one and will not be breached by anyone here. As for what to search for on Google, type in what you want to do.
  19. Welcome to the forums. As noted in the log, AnyDVD plays havoc with ImgBurns' ability to verify properly as it tries to correct the data being written to your disk. This is a bad thing. Particularly when there's nothing to correct. Secondly, your media (Ritek DL) is garbage. Go back to your Verbatims and disable AnyDVD and your problems will dissapear.
  20. It's a media problem. CMC MAG disks are garbage. Save yourself some pain and toss them into the bin.
  21. Hmm... sounds alot like you are using a restricted account. It would explain alot if it is.
  22. Team 17 and Psygnosis has some brilliant games. Lemmings, Agony (Cannon Fodder?).
  23. You can't be serious. Nero StartSmart is a basic GUI for loading other Nero tools. It isn't a program itself. It has no other function but to send given tasks to given tools. Nero itself is still bloated. On the contrary, I don't assume anything. Read/write errors are always down to your hardware. Media, drives or whatever. If you can kick it, that's where the problem is. Your drive doesn't care where it puts the layer break as long as the total amount of data on the second layer never exceeds the amount on the first layer for playback reasons. For what it's worth, your problem is still either that particular disk (even Verbatim make the occasional dud) or your drive, regardless of how much you wish to argue about it.
  24. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...06-1702,00.html 'Pregnant' man fined in court From correspondents in Johannesburg November 28, 2006 A SOUTH African man was fined by a local court overnight for taking time off from work and trying to cover it with a fake gynaecologist's certificate attesting he was pregnant and needed a week off. A magistrate's court in Vereeniging, near Johannesburg, fined 27-year-old Charles Sibindana 1000 rand ($180) for the brazen forgery, the SAPA news agency reported. Sibindana stole a medical certificate from a health centre used by his pregnant girlfriend, but was apparently unaware that only women consulted gynaecologists. Magistrate Bruno Van Eeden jokingly warned Sibindana "not to walk around faking sick letters from gynaecologists".
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