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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. You might want to look at some better media as well. Prodisc are rubbish. Get some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media.
  2. A young man moves to a village in Wales and gets talking to an old man from the village. He asks the old man what his name is; the old man gets very irate at this point and says: See that line of houses over there? I built them all, but do they call me Jones the house builder? No! See those railway lines over there? I laid them all, but do they call me Jones the engineer? No! See those bridges over that river? I built them all, but do they call me Jones the bridge builder? No! But, a long long time ago, I fooked *one* sheep...
  3. Happy Birthday, Polo!! Have a good one!
  4. Try here: http://www.sonyisstorage.com/bv_downloads/...dvd/PYS3WIN.EXE EDIT: Or not. The page has dissapeared. Hmm... 2nd edit: Grab it off my webspace here: http://users.tpg.com.au/adsldxhe/pys3win.exe
  5. Nah. It'll be fine if burnproof is enabled (which it is by default). It just means that your burner can't get enough data to burn at the designated speed. An example would be your virus scanner checking your HD while you're attempting to burn and the drive head having to dart all over the place trying to read the ISO you want to burn as well as your anti-virus wanting to scan files on the same harddrive. It'll slow things down a bit but it's nothing to worry about. Re-check your DMA settings if you think things are running too slowly. Info on DMA can be found in the FAQ.
  6. Getting a better player (WMP is rubbish) and playing your mp3s from HD instead of CD/DVD would solve this problem, wouldn't it?
  7. The first thing I'd do is update that firmware to v1.0e before looking for other problems. You can find it here: http://www.sonyisstorage.com/bv_downloads/...d/810A_1.0e.exe
  8. These junk emails must work as they've been around as long as I can remember. What hasn't changed with them is the senders still can't write correctly.
  9. Silly question: Have you actually selected WRITE mode before attempting to burn your disk? The fact that you've created an image using that drive shows that it and ImgBurn are working.
  10. What I find odd is they also sell used Cybermen helmets? :&
  11. If Windows can see it, ImgBurn will see it. How is the drive connected? USB or Firewire? Hhave you opened your Device Manager to see if there's a driver missing? Did the drive come with an installation CD? Etc... Etc.... More info, please.
  12. Instead of us trying to guess what the problem is, why not help out a bit and list the programs/processes you have running?
  13. Sort of. With the proliferation of new computer users over the last few years any forum can expect questions to be asked that have been asked before. Many problems arise when new users realise that operating one of these things isn't as simple as the man or woman in the computer shop said it would be. It's the nature of the beast and I think all of us here expect it to some degree. The idea has merit but solutions are rarely simple. For example, L_UK! added a reminder to the ImgBurn log stating that AnyDVD causes problems when verifying. Given the amount of posts regarding verify problems directly relating to AnyDVD shows that some users ignore the warnings. We get those who blame ImgBurn for bad burns when it doesn't really have anything to do with the burn process. (The quality of a burn is determined by the hardware, not the software). Also, I think new users would struggle with the drives and media section, even if they were pointed to it. It requires a person to know what they're looking at. If they knew what they were looking at, it's doubtful they'd have bought crap media in the first place. <Opinion mode off. Please insert 2c to continue>
  14. That's my case, too. Good choice, Polo!
  15. Looks fine to me. It looks like an all-in-one video package made from freeware utilities. The fact that Lightning_UK! is credited in the acknowledgments is a good sign. Also, the author isn't charging anything. Thirdly, the source code for DVD Flick is available for anyone who wants it. Honestly, it just looks like the author has combined other freeware utilities to compliment their own for the express purpose of giving people a cheap alternative to commercial packages. Another freeware author wishing to share their skill and time for the benefit of the rest of us.
  16. It depends. I don't have the room in my cases for water cooling. The space they use is better used for drives...... which brings me to my point. A decent case will allow you to use 5 1/4" fans instead of the 3 1/2" variety. Because the fans are larger, they can spin alot more slowly to draw the same volume of air as a high-speed 3 1/2" fan and slower means quieter. The Coolermaster case thingy I have has 4 x 5 1/2" fans in it and I can't hear them.
  17. A memoriam portrait of Mrs Shamus' mother who died a few years ago. I'll post a snapshot when it heals if you like?
  18. Your disk might not have had the booktype set correctly. Alot of people miss this step when using +R media.
  19. The Yarra Valley? I've fallen out of a bus a couple of times doing the winery thing down that way. Hate the wine but love the fortified wine and liqueurs. You can't beat being driven around all day while being force-fed alcohol. L_UK! Don't worry about the password thingy. I'm home earlier than I thought I would be and have changed it already.
  20. Shamus_McFartfinger


    Well, here I am in an internet cafe' at Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast while Mrs Shamus gets another tattoo. I'm bored shitless and still have about 3 more hours to kill. Have already been to the beach and got accosted by some born-again christians. They just can't take NO for an answer. Luckily for me, "Fuck off, idiot" seems to work just as well at the beach as it does when they bang on my door. Australia Day here and the pubs are full. There's people everywhere. Might have to go drown myself with a few beers and lose some money on the Keno. L_UK: Would you change my password to my first name, please? I don't trust whatever security is on this thing. Thanks.
  21. These look like good burns to me. Have you tried these disks in another player?
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