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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. The thread was this one. Almost the same model but both can be flashed as a BenQ1620. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1226&hl=1620
  2. Don?t they what. The original controller is still the best IMO. One of the very few things that Sony has done right. Building a network card that allows a HD to be installed in a PS2 was the other.
  3. LFC: Correct. Nemesis: DVDs (OTP or Opposite Track Path) read the top layer from the centre towards the outside and then re-focus the laser to read the second layer from the outside towards the centre. Gran Turismo 4 on the PS2 (PTP or Parallel Track Path) reads both the top and second layer outward from the centre. It was part of its copy protection as almost all burners write using OTP. Not being able to write PTP using a standard burner meant the copies would fail to work. Having said that, I?ve never tried backing up a DVD9 XBox game because I don?t have one to test it with. If I can find a decent DVD9 XBox game (which is difficult at the best of times) I?ll buy it and have a crack at it.
  4. Wasn?t there a fella here a few weeks back who had problems with the same drive? I only remember because this drive can be cross-flashed as a BenQ1620 which apparently (may or may not) fixes it.
  5. They sure are. Mrs Shamus bought me a Gamecube a little while back. Not a bad machine but the hand controllers suck bigtime.
  6. A logfile would help a lot. So would a screenshot if you?ve got one handy.
  7. Just checked with both Opera and Mozilla and it works fine.
  8. I found this using Google @ http://images.google.com.au/images?q=jmet&...=&start=20&sa=N Love the outfit.
  9. Smooth, huh? BenQ? I can?t bring myself to buying one of these. You may remember that the last BenQ I had was so bad I ended up throwing it at the neighbours cat. Or was that the Pioneer120 I had? Can?t remember now. Both were crap in any event.
  10. Welcome aboard. Many of us did the same thing you did. Lots of wandering. All of us are happy that L_UK took everything in stride and managed to create a new tool for us to play with and a forum for us all to talk crap...... I mean learn from. *cough*
  11. Creating and then exploiting a market. Capitalism at its best.
  12. Just run the installer. ImgBurn will automatically remove the old version and install the new. It?ll even ask if you want to keep your old settings.
  13. Nope. Can?t seem to find a place that sells them locally. I suppose I could find one if I really wanted to but I?m too lazy.
  14. Fookit! I just asked this after you edited your post. Doh! Let?s see: $US37 is about $50 on this side of the pond. For an extra $3 I?d still get the Pioneer.
  15. Yeah but remember where I am. (Hint: Not in the USA). That NEC is about $47 in my money. How much is the Pioneer at Newegg?
  16. Also got an LG/HLDS GSA-4167B and a SamSung TS-H552U. Great drives but I still prefer Pioneer.
  17. I did say ?simplest? to use. The Pioneers do auto-booktyping which means users have no fooking around with program settings to get the disks to work on a DVD player. DVD burners don?t get any easier to install and use than a Pioneer. I have 4 of them because they work so well. The epitome of Plug And Play. EDIT: I just checked local pricing for burners here and the cheapest is: ?SONY 16x DVD Dual Layer DVD-RAM Burner OEM NO SOFTWARE DW-Q120A BLACK - $54? The Pioneer: ?PIONEER DVR-111D 16x DVD Burner WHITE OEM No Software - $62? For new users in particular, spending an extra few dollars on something that?s usable straight out of the box is well worth the investment.
  18. Don?t know the man. A bit of an attention whore, you reckon?
  19. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2136617,00.html The Sunday Times April 16, 2006 Max Headroom creator made Roswell alien Marc Horne THE creator of Max Headroom, a 1980s television cyber-presenter, has claimed he was one of the hoaxers behind the Roswell film, the grainy black and white footage supposedly showing a dead alien being dissected by American government scientists after a UFO crash. Alien Autopsy, a movie about the footage, is currently on release across Britain. It stars real-life television presenters Ant and Dec. John Humphreys, a sculptor and consultant on Alien Autopsy who has also worked on special effects for Doctor Who, said it was he who made the models for the alien dissected in the original fake footage. His confession, 11 years after the Roswell footage was first shown, will raise questions about the role of Channel 4, which unleashed Max Headroom on the world in the 1980s and bought the UK rights to screen the Roswell footage in Britain. The footage was first exposed as a fake by The Sunday Times, but an estimated billion people still watched it around the world. Rather than being shot in 1947 near Roswell in the New Mexico desert as previously claimed, the film was actually made at a flat in Camden, north London, in 1995. Philip Mantle, a UFO researcher and author who has been investigating the Roswell hoax for 10 years, said Humphreys had been a prime suspect but had never before admitted involvement. Mantle, who next month will deliver a lecture at Glasgow University on the Roswell story, said: ?I didn?t think it would take so long, but I am delighted this hoax has finally been exposed and the mystery has been solved.? Humphreys, who is based in Manchester, says he also appeared in the Roswell film as the chief surgeon. The bug-eyed alien models were filled with sheep brains, chicken entrails and knuckle joints bought from Smithfield meat market. After filming, the dummies were cut up and dumped in bins across London. For a few short weeks the world held its breath after the 91-minute silent film was unveiled by Ray Santilli, a London-based video distributor. He claimed to have bought the footage, shot on 14 reels, from a retired American military cameramen. Humphreys said the Roswell film was shot by himself, Santilli and three others. He said he spent four weeks fashioning the models from latex using clay sculptures. Humphreys, a graduate of the Royal Academy who has also created special effects for the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory starring Johnny Depp, says he only told his wife about the hoax when he was hired to work on Alien Autopsy. ?It was a very, very strange feeling to know that I had played a key part in it,? he said. Santilli, who is played by Declan Donnelly in Alien Autopsy, insists he was trying to ?re-create? a real Roswell incident. He claims he bought genuine footage that was badly damaged when it was exposed to the air after 48 years in a can. ?John was given very precise images to work with and what he did was sheer genius,? he said.
  20. Weird, innit? Some others from http://www.phobialist.com Fear of: Air- Anemophobia. Asymmetrical things- Asymmetriphobia Bald people- Peladophobia Beautiful women- Caligynephobia Bogeyman or bogies- Bogyphobia (Bogyphobia? - LOL!! ) Chickens- Alektorophobia Clowns- Coulrophobia Computers or working on computers- Cyberphobia Dining or dinner conversations- Deipnophobia Food- Cibophobia Gravity- Barophobia Ideas- Ideophobia Justice- Dikephobia Knees- Genuphobia Parents-in-law- Soceraphobia Puppets- Pupaphobia Running water- Potamophobia Standing up and walking- Stasibasiphobia Tickled by feathers or feathers- Pteronophobia Ugliness- Cacophobia Vegetables- Lachanophobia Washing- Ablutophobia Yellow color- Xanthophobia
  21. Doh! If you?re going to buy a DVD burner, grab a Pioneer 110 or 111. They are the simplest burners to use IMO.
  22. Silly question: Is your DVD drive actually a burner? It doesn?t sound like it.
  23. Yeah but that also removes ImgBurns? association with the various filetypes. The way I understood the question was to remove ImgBurn from the context menus within ImgBurn while still maintaining its associations. In that respect (just to be argumentative ) it can?t.
  24. Yeah but it?s still pointless. 16x is what? 20-ish MB/sec? ATA133 has theoretically got 133MB/sec (funnily enough) in burst mode or whatever the hell it?s called. Realistically, 50-75MB/sec with good HDs and other good h/ware. My point........ why plug up a slot that can handle many, very fast harddrives with something as crappy as a DVD burner? What a waste.
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