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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Happy belated birthday, mate! :beer:
  2. Hmm... A 1.5MB file? Sounds like it runs from a floppy.
  3. Hmm... I just installed it onto a different PC and you?re right. On my P4/1.8 w/XP it refuses to load unless it gets net access. The other PC (AMD64 w/w2k) it loads even though the connection is blocked. Weird. Yeah, the link above looks alot like an update link and probably is but I don?t like surprises.
  4. Cynthia, I understand your frustration. The problem is that there?s only about half a dozen of us beta testers and it?s impossible to test every change Lightning_UK! makes to the program with every possible hardware and software configuration that?s available. The buffer problem is an example as Windows shouldn?t do what it does with the read buffer. L_UK didn?t pick it up because he has 2gigs of RAM available and I didn?t pick it up because I almost never burn images from a local drive. The ?write in test mode using the command line? bug is something none of us found is because most of us (all of us?) never use ImgBurn from the command line in test mode. There are bugs that I?m sure L_UK is aware of and he fixes them as they are found. It?s not a commercial product. None of get paid for what we do, least of all Lightning_UK. Your patience and forebearance is appreciated.
  5. Err... not quite. My first thread in this thread was edited. No footnote thingy in sight.
  6. Y?know, I haven?t had a spam email in about 3 years or so. Not a single one. Weird, huh?
  7. Hmm... being the cynical person I am (IT?S GREAT AND IT?S FREE), I thought I?d grab it and have a look for myself. My cynicism wasn?t misplaced. For the application to function it requires internet access every time it?s started. Super © tries to send a http request to http://updat.free.fr/super.updt/spr17 on port 1964 every time it loads. Unless it?s allowed access it fails to load. The privacy policy for this software at http://www.erightsoft.com/privacy.html fails to mention this at all. Personally, I don?t trust it.
  8. Next time you burn a disk - pop it out, close ImgBurn, then hit F5 while your desktop is active and see what happens.
  9. Nope. Can?t select properties with these thingies. (I love Windows sometimes). The path MJ provided is correct. C:\Windows\System32\access.cpl
  10. Err.... I see it just fine and I use Classic View as well. EDIT: Snapshot.
  11. Patience, Grasshopper. L_UK has been fairly busy with ImgBurn lately. Reading the latest changelog shows 14 additions to the program, 3 changes and 10 fixes since v1.2.0.0 (the last public release).
  12. Nope. You?d be better off converting your ISO images into mpeg files and loading the lot into an authoring program such as TMPGEnc DVD Author or ULead Movie Studio or something similar. Or you could convert them to mpeg, join them together with a video joiner so you have one large file then converting the large file to DVD format using VSO DiVXtoDVD and then loading those files into DVD Shrink to convert to an ISO which can then be burned. Simple, huh?
  13. It wouldn?t surprise me. What also wouldn?t surprise me (after the CD rootkit debacle), would be for Sony to place a unique identifier on each machine that announces its presence when connected to the internet. Much like the Pentium 3 chips way back many moons ago. If I ever bought one of these things, the last thing I?d be doing is letting it run unsecured on a network. I dragged it out again a few days ago and it drove me nuts. Like you, I can?t bring myself to finish it. A great game ruined by shonky programming.
  14. I wish these dickheads would get their story straight. Still, I won?t be buying one just yet. If it can be hacked like the original XBox (with a multitude of utilities making it the best media server known to mankind), then possibly. They really fooked it up with Gran Turismo 4 which is possibly the most disk intensive game I?ve played since abandoning my old Amiga 500. Absolutely fooking infuriating. If they can fix that problem and make it a decent media server............ then maybe.
  15. That?s a fairly sweeping statement. The quality of the G05s on this side of the big pond has remained consistant for quite a while now. No verification problems and no disk rot after a year or so making them perfectly usable in any capacity. They might only be 12x but they?re all I use these days because I know exactly what I?m getting. The inability of some drives to read and/or write to this particular media isn?t necessarily the fault of the media itself. FWIW, both of my Pioneer 109s recognise the media as 12x. My Lite-On and LG drives identify them as 8x. Houston, we have a problem.
  16. Actually, Sony drives are LG drives. Sony doesn?t make them anymore. They outsourced their production of optical drives to LG a while back. Maybe 18 months ago, I suppose? EDIT: As for a decent drive, I?m biased towards Pioneer drives. Never a bad burn with any of them (using quality media) and there?s no fooking around with bitsetting as the Pioneers don?t use it.
  17. No problems with Ritek G05s here either but as L_UK said, it depends on the drive. Having said that, the Riteks work great with my Pioneer, Lite-On and LG drives. My XBox loves them but my PS2 hates them and will only work with Tayio Yudens or Maxell media. The PS2 my missus has works with anything, even crappy Princo disks. Go figure.
  18. Take our word for it. CMC disks are crap. They?ve been crap for years and will probably still be crap in the years to come. Anything with CMC, Longten or Princo (and many others) in the media ID should be avoided like the plague. Look for (genuine) Ritek G04, Ritek G05 or Taiyo Yuden for your Sony burner. What?s a media ID, I hear you ask? This bit is your media ID.
  19. No HD? Yer kidding. My crystal ball predicts poor sales for the PS3 (if we ever see it) and Microsoft executives pointing at Sony and laughing like idiots. So much for being a ?standalone entertainment system?.
  20. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=100...hDs&refer=japan Sony Shares Drop on Report PS3 Delayed Until November (Update1) March 15 (Bloomberg) -- Shares of Sony Corp., the world's biggest video-game console maker, fell as much as 2 percent after the Nihon Keizai newspaper reported that sales of the PlayStation 3 will be delayed by about six months to November. The stock fell 1.6 percent to 5,480 yen as of 10:40 a.m. in Tokyo, compared with a 0.6 percent gain in the Nikkei 225 Stock Average. The Nihon Keizai said Sony hasn't resolved details on a copy protection format for its DVD player, preventing a planned release this spring. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. spokesman Daisuke Nakata declined to comment on the report. Sony would be a year behind Microsoft Corp., which released its latest Xbox 360 console in the U.S. in November 2005. The PlayStation 3 features the Sony's Blu-ray high-definition DVD technology and its fastest processor ever, forming a key part of Chief Executive Howard Stringer's strategy to use entertainment businesses to spur sales of consumer electronics. ``The delay is negative, and the more important question is when they can start sales in the U.S.,'' said Kazuharu Miura, an analyst at Daiwa Institute of Research in Tokyo. ``The Xbox 360 already had one run at the holiday sales last year, and if Sony can't get the PS3 out before year-end, they'll end up ceding two seasons worth of sales to Microsoft.'' Sony Computer Entertainment President Ken Kutaragi will speak at a media conference in Tokyo about its PlayStation business today at 3 p.m. The company last month said a postponement of the PlayStation 3 couldn't be ruled out. ``The November launch appears to be only for Japan,'' according to Dominik Maeder, an equity sales trader at HSBC Holdings Plc's brokerage unit in Tokyo. ``Given Sony's track record, you can kiss the overseas Christmas launch goodbye.'' `Hill to Climb' With the PlayStation 2, Sony missed out on the 1999 year-end shopping season to Sega Enterprises Ltd.'s Dreamcast game machine. Still, the PS2 was launched in March 2000, 18 months ahead of Nintendo Co.'s GameCube and almost two years ahead of Microsoft's first Xbox, and outsold all three consoles. Sony's first two PlayStation video game consoles are best- selling in the world, with more than 100 million units sold each. ``If they slide too far, they'll find themselves in the same situation as the Xbox did when they launched the PS2 a year before we entered,'' Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief technical officer, said in an interview from Singapore yesterday. ``That's a hill to climb.'' Merrill Lynch & Co.'s Tokyo-based analyst Hitoshi Kuriyama wrote in a report last month that the PlayStation 3 launch may be pushed back to autumn in Japan and 2007 in the U.S., because of reasons that included delays in video chip production, heat emissions problems and a shortage of games. High Costs The PlayStation 3 will come will be compatible with the Blu- ray disc, which can store at least five times more video, audio and computer files than standard DVDs. The console's Cell chip will also make the PS3 about 35 times faster than its predecessor. The console will cost about 74,000 yen ($633) to make, with the Cell chip and Blu-ray accounting for more than half of the costs, and Sony will probably sell it for 44,800 yen in Japan and $399 in the U.S., Kuriyama said. That compares with the Xbox 360's $399 tag for a console with a hard-disk drive, and $299 for a unit without a drive. Sony's PS3 will not come with a hard-disk drive, which can be used to store music, movies, and other computer files. ``There clearly would be a huge risk with a delay,'' said Stephen Hall, who helps manage the equivalent of $572 million at Britannic Asset Management in Glasgow, Scotland. ``The fact that the PS3 will include the Blu-ray disc and the Cell chip will also increase the actual production cost of the unit.'' The Blu-ray will have to compete with Toshiba Corp.'s high- definition DVD format, which can store at least four times more data. Microsoft backs Toshiba's HD DVD format and Chairman Bill Gates last year said future versions of the Xbox 360 may support the HD DVD format. Format Doesn't Matter ``It remains to be seen whether the PS3 will be regarded as an entertainment hub, which Howard Stringer wants to do,'' said Amir Anvarzadeh, director of Japanese equity sales at KBC Financial Products in London. A possible delay is ``a hindrance. People want the PS3 to come out regardless of what the media is. They don't care if it's Blu-ray or HD DVD.'' Sony on Jan. 26 forecast an annual profit, reversing a loss forecast, on sales of Bravia televisions and PlayStation Portable video-game players. Sony posted a record 168.9 billion yen ($1.4 billion) profit in the October to December quarter, triggering a 14 percent gain in its shares the next trading day. To contact the reporter on this story: Daisuke Takato in Tokyo at dtakato@bloomberg.net Last Updated: March 14, 2006 20:41 EST
  21. Okey dokey. Here?s one to get you started. Do be careful though as playing around with the HOSTS file can totally fook your internet experience. So, make a backup. http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
  22. While on this subject, there are other options available to making the net a safer place for kiddies. One that comes to mind is an extended HOSTS file. There?s bucketloads of these things floating around the net for blocking sites. I?ll hunt a couple down if anyone?s interested.
  23. I actually had a play with this while I was fluffing about with NAS storage and I had a huge problem with it. The problem was having to turn off DMA to get the boot CD to actually boot. I discovered this after many hours of swearing at it. Pretty dodgy IMO. Also, I wanted storage without having to install an OS on yet another PC. After using the Netgear SC101 for a couple of months I came to realise that it was, without doubt, the most frustrating piece of hardware I?ve ever used and it now has a home in a landfill somewhere. I also used NASLite for a while and found it impossible to find the correct gigabit cards for it to work properly. When I did find something that was supported by the Linux kernel, I could only achieve around 8MB/sec on a P4/2.4gig PC. The non-gigabit version worked fine but it was just way too slow. Great for small files. Not great for backing up 500gigs. After much thought I?ve decided that I?m going to buy some bigger cases and add more sata drives to my existing PCs. SATA drives can be spanned so 4 x 250gig drives is a terabyte drive that I can stream to my XBox. A similar setup in another machine will be the backup.
  24. Day off today so I can afford to sit around the house and do nothing.
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