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Everything posted by mmalves

  1. Your burner did an awful job at 2.4x, so try burning at 8x or 12x to see if you get a better burn (those are 16x rated blanks after all). //edit also from what I've read that burner is a re-badged Lite On so try using the Lite On tab of the Change Book Type function to booktype your DVD+R media to DVD-ROM
  2. May I ask who told you or where you read that load of crap? X360 originals aren't burned, they're pressed, not to mention that the console's drive doesn't care about the speed the disc was burned at. What it does care about the burn quality, i.e. readability of the disc, and with newer burners the slowest burn speed doesn't always result in the best burn quality since newer burners are better tuned for faster burns.
  3. What does ImgBurn say in the status bar when that happens? Can you try that burner on another computer? Three burners with the same media and nothing but problems, doesn't that make you wonder about the quality of the media? Slim burners are rubbish at best, so it would be better if you could exchange it for a full size burner in an external enclosure, or even when using high quality media you might get coasters.
  4. Defragmenting your D: drive, or not using it with another program while burning, would help with the buffer problems.
  5. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Optiarc/AD-5240S/files.html
  6. Update your burner's firmware (remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished). Also try burning at 12x or 8x to see if you get a better burn. The message you're seeing means the burner isn't recognizing the disc after it has just burned it, which is usually a sign of bad media, dirt on the burner's lens or a dying burner
  7. Post the logs of those burns (look in ImgBurn's Help menu).
  8. With ImgBurn what goes in is what comes out, i.e. it doesn't convert anything. If you need to edit/convert/change quality/etc you should use a DVD re-authoring/conversion/shrink tool.
  9. Have you tried burning at 6x or 8x? Where are those Verbatims made? It's printed on the packaging/box/spindle. It might also be worth trying a lens cleaning disc on that burner.
  10. What were you doing while burning? If something else was reading large chunks of data at that time then that could explain the buffer underruns.
  11. It's not like you're paying for the games either This is the error you're getting. Search around and you'll see what's the cause
  12. Give the Verbatim blanks a go, we can't guarantee anything
  13. Intel released one for RC1, I'm using it on Win7 RTM and it's working fine
  14. The option you're looking for is 'Include Hidden Files' in the Options tab of ImgBurn's Build mode. The number of skipped hidden files is shown in the Log window, which you should've left open //edit too slow again
  15. Look for Win7 drivers for your AHCI SATA controller (use SIW to find out brand/model if you don't know already). The standard Windows 7 AHCI driver is intentionally limited.
  16. Looks OK, but you might want to do a PIPO scan just to be sure. May I ask what are you using modified firmware for?
  17. Yup, those Verbatim blanks should do the trick. By the way... There's newer firmware available for your burner (remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished).
  18. Never had to use one so I don't know of any Have a look around with Google and I think you'll find something
  19. Even if you force the layerbreak at 2086912 (the maximum allowed by the DVD+R DL standard) in ImgBurn's settings I think the burn will error out right after sector 4173823, as DVD+R DL media has 4173824 sectors. Have you thought about shaving those 25MB from the MKV (credits perhaps)?
  20. Then do what you did before and don't use WinRAR.
  21. ImgBurn automatically booktypes DVD+R DL media to DVD-ROM on LG burners, and even if that command fails (in your cause probably because your IDE controller is in RAID mode), the drive should do the booktyping of dual-layer media by itself. Post the log of that burn (look in ImgBurn's Help menu).
  22. Have a look in our Drives and Media sections, but don't just take our word for it: also have a look at the cdfreaks forum where many people test their burners and those two models have had a lot of testing done
  23. No, the white and orange ones are connected to the Silicon Image Sil5723 controller (Drive Xpert technology or another fancy name for RAID). The Marvell controller is responsible solely for the IDE port.
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