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Everything posted by mmalves

  1. Try a lens cleaning disc on that burner. Also it might be worth looking for the latest driver for the IDE controller that burner is connected to.
  2. Considering that it gave exactly the same problem with a different firmware I'd say that burner is dead.
  3. Then your only option is to get an external burner (avoid the slim ones).
  4. You only need to format DVD+RW media once: after that you can just overwrite it (doesn't even need to erase). The problem is that if you write that disc with another burning program or recordable device it may lose its formatted state, and then you'll need to format it again.
  5. Try a lens cleaning disc on that burner. You might also try burning at 6x. If none of that works then your burner is dead.
  6. ImgBurn is just a burning tool: it doesn't handle video/menus/etc. I think you need an authoring tool to do what you want, even DVD Shrink in re-author mode should be able to do it.
  7. Run ImgBurn from DVD Flick's folder, switch to Write mode, untick Test Mode and close ImgBurn.
  8. I think all you can do is try with Verbatim blanks and maybe try a lens cleaning disc on that burner
  9. We need more info in order to be able to help you. Copy and paste here what SIW shows under Hardware -> Motherboard (you can select the text shown on the right for copying).
  10. What's the brand and model of your burner? If you prefer you can copy and paste here the text shown in ImgBurn while in Write mode with a blank disc inside the drive. Have you looked for updated drivers for your motherboard's chipset or storage controller? Use SIW to find out which one(s) you have.
  11. Also update ImgBurn. You might want to update your burner's firmware too (remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished).
  12. Copy and paste here all the text shown in the information box (right-side of ImgBurn's window). A copy of the text shown in the Log window would also be helpful.
  13. Try a lens cleaning disc on that burner, and if it doesn't help then you may want to return/exchange those discs or get a new burner
  14. Does it burn + verify fine? Have you tried with Verbatim blanks?
  15. You do know that in those benchmarks a big chunk of zeroes (or random data) generated in memory is written to the HD being tested, right? It's done like this so that the "source" of data isn't a bottleneck for testing the destination's write speed, since memory is much faster than any HD. ImgBurn, on the other hand, reads data from the source and writes to the destination as fast as your system can handle, and since you're reading and writing on the same volume, that's why it slows down a lot.
  16. Update your NEC burner's firmware to 1.09 (remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished) and try again. Have you cleaned its lens like LUK said above? As for your Lite-On burner, it's having issues communicating with your computer. Have you updated to Vista SP2 like LUK and Paladin77 said above? This could help a lot. It also might be worth installing the latest drivers for your SATA controller(s) too (use SIW to find their brand and model then Google them).
  17. http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
  18. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=open+.mds
  19. Then you got a batch of really crap discs because Pioneer burners can burn pretty much anything you throw at them. On another note it would be useful if you could try burning on another computer, just to rule out a communication problem between the burner and the computer.
  20. Which speeds have you tried? Is it always the same error? Have you tried with Verbatim blanks?
  21. Get a new external burner, and avoid the slim ones, as you're seeing by yourself that they're crap. You might want to try cleaning the lens of that burner with a cotton bud and some alcohol or one of those lens cleaning disc kits.
  22. Try the other available speeds. You might also want to try a lens cleaning disc on that burner. If all that doesn't help then read this -> http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  23. All you need to do is follow this guide
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