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Posts posted by cornholio7

  1. .

    People like promoting for Verbatim discs for some reason


    hmm... yeah , because they work all the time, we aren't sponsored by verbatim.

    we buy our own discs and we know from burning countless discs in discovery mode (ie burning to ALL sectors of the disc) during beta testing, that the only reliable dual layer discs are verbatim MKM-001 MIS .(check the media tests if you don't believe me http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=15 )

    you obviously know better so good luck with that ;)

  2. i dont remember that a layer break window is shown when choosing an iso, as one should have been chosen when building the iso originally, so if you want more choices, the best way would be to rebuild it.

    you can rebuild the iso from the virtual drive to your hdd

  3. whats wrong with it as it is now? why do people keep asking when the new release is coming? its constantly being worked on by luk and the betas and when LUK decides he is finished with the next stage of development he will release it so sit back and enjoy what it can do for you now, as far as i know there are no plans for a release in the near future

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