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Everything posted by volvofl10

  1. its imminent is about as much as anyone can say . the only person qualified to really answer this one is Lightning_UK himself. When he's happy then he will release it. I'd get v2.3.2.0 and get started with it whilst your waiting if i was you.
  2. you should be locked up for jokes like that
  3. if someone "lit" something inside me, that would give a "hole" (pun intended) new meaning to "theres light at the end of the tunnel" this one covers everything i reckon
  4. Happy Birthday Shamus so its a G'day to you and a G'night from me
  5. my internal organs dont need nothing to cause an explosion , just dont light a match after Ive had the beer and curry
  6. I'll ask again after 5 years LOL ,
  7. when you install Imgburn, it will give you the option to check for program updates as well. so you could use the current one as per spinners advice above , and change to the new version when its released and you feel confident using it. Its not a big download anyway, less than 2 MB the new version will look similar to the current version anyway( apart from new additions to it of coarse), so you will know your way round most of it anyway
  8. use the "check for firmware updates" feature within ImgBurn In rwrte Mode, hit TOOLS > DRIVE > check for firmware updates there is a couple of options, but let ImgBurn sort them out for you. I "think" you will be able to go up to 203E which i also think is for Dell machines
  9. if you've got 2 drives ( 1x rom/writer and a 2nd writer,, or 2 writers) the new version will let you read from the rom drive in build mode and write to the writer all in 1 go providing you slow the write speed down a little on the burner drive
  10. for each copy of the wedding video you do , it lets you know what each year of marraige is going to be like ..................................... they just get worse check the FAQ page for why you got W 00:46:18 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied. W 00:46:18 DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME) Failed! - Reason: Access is denied EDIT , must stop posting when im pissed at 4.30am LOL , even though the typo's seem to improve
  11. Im having the same issues with new dvd players all the dvd 's i have copied and played will not play on these new machines. Even my home movies. The machine is a magnavox, so now ive spent hours looking online for a soulution. Havnt found one yet. as per the previous answer , post a log file from 1 of those discs
  12. as an extra ,you could check "Test Mode" for every burn , this doesnt actually write anything to the disc, then when you've had an extra 8-10 minutes to think about things, uncheck it and burn it to disc With any prog there has to be a certain amount of "user intervention" . I can see the point your trying to make , but as mentioned, once the laser starts working theres no going back................unless its in Test mode
  13. Taiyo yuden and Verbatim is probably the most consistant medias amongst burners and players, you may e lucky and use cheaper media that works for you, but the same media may not work for someone else. so we suggest TY and Verbs as these work for near enough everyone . I personally use Taiyo's and have only found 1 standalone player that wouldnt play them correctly. Its possible that your philips drive doesnt have a proper write strategy for 16x tdk , most likely cause though is DMA issues or possibly your actual burner. what model burner is the philips. what happens if you choose 8x ?, does it burn ok faster than 1x ? have you set up automatic write speeds ?? and accidently set the TDK 16x at 1x ? your happy you've followed the FAQ exactly as it says ? ( and no im not trying to suggest you didnt ) but its worth trying it again
  14. this is controlled by your drives firmware and write strategy and physics your drive writes faster at the end than the beginning , so the write strategy controls thi speed thru out
  15. check out the DMA part in the FAQ page , its post #2 FAQ page here
  16. without scrolling back thru everything, does your back up program give you any option on where to save and if you can rename the destination from its settings ? what program are you using to make your back ups ?, someone else must have had this problem in the past as well
  17. i downloaded that file, threw it in isobuster, and its a .TAO file, went into that and found a .bin file.
  18. in build mode all you need is a folder containing 1x VIDEO_TS folder and 1 x AUDIO_TS folder for example lets say you name the top folder as "project" then within the "project" folder you should have 1 x folder called VIDEO_TS and 1 folder called AUDIO_TS "project" folder should have the following 2 folders inside it the VIDEO_TS folder which should contain BUP files IFO files and VOB files and the AUDIO_TS folder, which doesnt usually have anything in it when you see the source window, hit the folder icon to the right of it ( hover over it and it says "browse for a folder" )and browse to your "project" folder source in BUILD mode , just select the folder called "project" then ImgBurn will know your trying to create a DVD compliant ISO or Disc if i understand what youve explained, and you end up with VIDEO_TS folders within VIDEO_TS folders, just empty the contents of 1 folder into the other, and delete the empty VIDEO_TS one, likewise if you dont have an AUDIO_TS folder, just create a new folder and name it AUDIO_TS ( in caps and with an underscore between AUDIO and TS hope thats of some help
  19. It already does warn you if you have anydvd running
  20. in folder2iso you had the option of where to output the iso to , go and check what you chose in thta program.. then in ImgBurn choose WRITE mode, and browse to the ISO from the same location as you chose in folder2iso
  21. it really depends what is "Not standard" about the ISO , do you have a link to the f/ware so someone can have a look at it ?
  22. in WRITE mode go to TOOLS , then DRIVE and choose "Check for firmware updates" on the bottom row it will tell you what firmware your curently using. if its a E*** then use the next E(number) firmware from the list and work your way up to the highest E(number) firmware available if its a 1.0? then use the next 1.0? number up from yours, until you get to the highest number shown on the list dont have a disc in the drive when you do it, and make sure the power supply doesnt get interupted whilst doing it. the simple way to decide is .whats your PC ?, a Dell or a fujitsu ? if its dell then use the E number firmware , if its a fujitsu use the 1.0* firmware
  23. volvofl10


    Hey Snazz , have a GREAT Birthday wherever you are these days
  24. 60 MB firmware update for the 8gb nano ipod already !!!!!!! i think this is going to be a real crap device
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